Do's & Don'ts of Sump Basin for Your French Drain

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0:00 Proper Sump Basin Installation
2:05 Don't Use This Type of Basin
3:59 Custom Cut Inlet Line
5:27 What's Wrong with this Install?
9:32 Proper Sump Pump Set Up
14:28 Note To Hackers
14:48 Why Your Pump Burns Out
19:13 Finish and Back Fill

Sump Basin and Sump Pump Installation is So Important when you attach French Drain and Yard Drain. Watch The Proper way to use a Sump Basin.

NOTE - I posted this video yesterday, but due to someone hacking the comments with derogatory remarks, that video's comment section is under review.

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EASY DIY for Homeowner. French Drain, Yard Drain. Easiest project to remove excessive water from yard.

French Drain, Yard Drain, Its all the same. Perforated Pipe Surrounded by Gravel or Styro-Rock. (Aggregate). Collect SUBSURFACE WATER.

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Apple Drains, Yard Drain, French drain, Sump Pump Basin
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This is the best education I found on sump pumps anywhere on YouTube.


You have taught me so much. I could never afford you, so I gotta do it myself. But you have been there right along side showing me how to. We all really apprecieate your contribution and encouragement!


I have a backyard issue where HUGE amounts of water gathers, because houses that were rebuilt later than ours, sit higher. So, all of the water from our neighbors yards, fills our backyard like a 10-12 inch deep lake and then it sits for days on end. I was just researching a way to get rid of all of this water, and found your videos. THANK YOU for taking all of the mystery out of it, and giving the knowledge that will help me take care of this. Much appreciated!! Now if I can get the neighbor who lives at the corner culvert to CLEAN OUT THEIR DITCH, to allow water to go away! LOL. Anyway, thanks again. Sometime in the next few weeks, there will be a couple of drains, a sump, and a Zoeller M98


Chuck, I'm not sure anyone else on Earth would be better at explaining drainage systems for yards. I've never done any of this stuff and I believe I could go to Lowe's and grab everything I need to get the job done. Thanks for your help.


Thanks for recommending the Zoeller, right now I have two pumps in my basin, the original old pump and a battery backup basement watchdog I put in because a failure would be catastrophic for my basement. Nice to know what to replace the original one with when it finally dies. Just in case you were curious, I put independent check valves for each pump and the lines come together to the same discharge line above the check valves. The watchdog wont kick on unless the water is way above the float level of the original pump. Thanks, I'm glad I discovered your channel. You make sense to me, I like when someone can blow past the commercialization of the latest new thing and say, "some of the old ways work just as good and their cheaper" or "here's a clever new trick that accomplishes the same thing." For example, how you joined two corrugated pipes together by squeezing a section and putting it inside the pipes.


My father passed away in late March of this year (2024). He was a music lover. Played numerous musical instruments and very much enjoyed the company others who also do/did too. I hope the last few minutes of his brain activity was peaceful and beautiful. He was definitely a lover of life. RIP Dad. I miss you. 🥰☮️✌️👍🪕🎷🎸🎻🎵🎶🎼🎹🎙️🪇🥁😊


I really wanted to see what and how sump basin works. This video gave me a good start❗👍 thank you. I will keep watching your videos.🐾😎


You always learn something new listening to you


I want to thank you for sharing this easy to follow and easy to apply video, on installing my sump pump.


Very helpful. I’m installing one for my pool cover drain. I couldn’t figure out the correct way to do it this really helps.


Awesome instruction, what about the power cord? Can you talk about how you address that?


Love your videos. All of the Zoeller folks pronounce it as if it rhymes with "dollar".


Great video and HUGE, huge thank-you for sharing!


Chuck, I’ve been studying your videos for the last couple weeks gathering enough info and confidence to tackle my own drainage problems. Thank you so much for the vids!! This weekend I installed my own French drain, sump pump/basin, catch basin, and discharge line all thanks to your knowledge and vids!

Quick question though, do I need to perforate my sump basin liner which is outside catching water taking it away from a 3 inch sunroom slab we’ve had problems with? I don’t want the pump liner to float...


Thank you for your explanation very interesting


I gotta have a consultation with you knowledge base i love this channel seen most of the shows and so informative thanks


Hello Chuck, I'm confused here. What did you do about the lower inlet pipe? Did you cap it or did you remove the basin and replace it with a new one? If that lower pipe was not addressed, the problem repeats itself doesn't it? If you did something about it, I guess I missed that part of the video. Thanks for your wonderful instructions. You are the drain man!!


Hi Chuck. You mentioned how the sump basin needs a solid lid, instead of a grate. Would you kindly explain why that is? I'm currently in the process of excavating a side of my house for a pair of egress windows, which are on either side of a concrete stairway that leads to the door into my basement. I'm planning to install a sump basin with a grate in this stair landing to catch water that currently pools in the stairwell and connect catch basins that will collect water from the egress window wells. I will run discharge from the sump basin to the street. The purpose of me wanting the sump basin with grate in the stairwell is so I can collect water from the landing and also have the pump in a location where I can easily access it to disconnect every winter. Thank you for all of your great videos! I love your channel!


Chuck, another awesome video! I need to give you a call and have you help me design the proper exterior sump pump system to add onto what I already have to achieve what I need!


This is drainage gold Chuck. I’m in Toronto. I need to put a catch basin and sump basin in the back of my yard to collect surface water flooding my yard from my neighbour’s in the spring when the ground is frozen. I can run the discharge line underground, but it eventually needs to pass over an interlock patio on its way to the street. Can I connect the 1-1/2 inch sump discharge to a garden hose to take it the rest of the way? It’s only required during the spring when the ground is frozen, so I could disconnect until the following winter.
