19 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect

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At half a pound and 6 inches long, your baby is about the size of a large mango. A mango dipped in greasy cheese, actually. Vernix caseosa, a white, cheesy-looking substance made up of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells now covers your baby's tender skin, protecting it from that long soak in the amniotic bath. Without it, baby would look pretty wrinkled at birth.

Baby's legs have gone through a growth spurt and are finally in proportion to the arms. Those longer legs, coupled with the strengthening of cartilage into bone, will make your little one's jabs and kicks more powerful, which means you may be feeling them now.

Keep in mind that baby movements can first be felt anytime from 16 to 22 weeks, usually earlier in second- and-more-time moms than in first-timers. Combined with the power of newly-formed neurons that are sending better coordinated messages from the brain to the muscles, and you've got a formula for stronger, more controlled movements. In the months to come, you'll experience plenty of flutters, kicks, jabs, twists, stretches and punches, though you can't count on feeling them regularly until 28 weeks.
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God is good I'm 19 weeks pregnant with my 1st child at age 42. I feel the little kicks 😊


I’m 19 weeks in 45 minutes lol. At 17-18 weeks, I felt flutters every other day. First time mom to be 😊. I pray for a healthy birth of my son 🧒🏻 and all the ladies who are pregnant


I’m 18th week in 3 days pls pray for me and I pray for all pregnant women in the world to be safe and strong and happy 🥰


I’m now 19 weeks pregnant pls pray for me and all pregnant women safe delivery and healthy baby


Thanks God im 19 weeks my first praganacy and I have felt my baby's movements from 16weeks❤🎉😊


I appreciate when you said the fact that you won’t feel them regularly until 28 weeks. I’m 19 weeks and 1 day and I feel like I’ve felt alittle movement inside but I feel nothing when I put my hand there to see if it’ll kick my hand.


Thank God am 19 weeks today first time mom with my rainbow baby ❤️ can’t wait to meet her ❤️❤️


19 weeks tomorrow 🎉🎉🎉 I’m so grateful❤


Im 19 wks now early i feel a few jabs when i sing to my baby❤❤❤❤🎉 God you are awesome...


I’m 15 and I feel my baby more than the lil flutters . I can feel her staying in one place with a hard stretch she likes to stay in one corner


Going 19 weeks tomorrow! My baby moves when I'm eating :D


On my third baby, she's also my only girl! 19 weeks tomorrow. I know for a fact I've felt her move. During an ultrasound at 15 weeks, i realized that little sensations I'd been having were her movements. But at 17 weeks, she moved up, and i occasionally feel her, but not as often as i felt the pinches in week 14/15.
Definitely feel her every now and then though, cant wait for them to become more developed and stronger. I used to adore playing with my eldest son in the late trimester. I hope i get to do that again this time.


Don't believe everything on here. I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow. This is my third baby boy. I have a 27-year-old and a 19-year-old and now I'll be having my baby March of 2024. This is such a blessing. Congratulations to everyone! I think God that I'm able to give birth again. I am 40 years old and sometimes I'm feeling ups and downs. But I'm so grateful for this little bundle of joy. I was not feeling the baby move at all so I went to the hospital and then I bought a Doppler and he's doing just fine in there. I got nervous because of some of the videos on here that's saying if you don't feel the baby move it could be something wrong. So I got very paranoid and scared. But he's doing great. Heartbeat is 155. I'm doing good so don't believe everything. Maybe first time moms will feel it better than others. But I was feeling a lot of quickening 15 to 16 weeks but now I don't feel nothing at all. But I have a Doppler so I can hear him whenever I want❤❤❤❤


I’m 19 weeks and my baby is really active 😊😩 he/she be moving when my partner be talking to him/her😅


19 weeks. At night, I sometimes feel the faintest of *something*, but I can't compare it to anything I've experienced before, it's almost like the faintest whoosh of a single wave. Very weird!


19weeks baby's been active since I conceived 😂❤.. lo ve this lo


This is my first pregnancy and I've felt movement from week 14 🥺


im 19 weeks pregnant and my baby moves a lot, i can even see her kicks through my belly.


Mine is 19 weeks baby girl and super active Ma Sha Allah 😂❤


I’m 18wks and 4days my baby has been super active since around 15-16wks
