Overrated Plants in Plants VS Zombies 2

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Not all units can be rated accurately. And, a truly scary thought, people can be wrong. Woah. Who could have thunk. In a casual, strategy, tower defense game such as Plants Vs Zombies 2, people could have the utter audacity to be bad at the game and use suboptimal plants? Clearly a crime against humanity. Anyways uh, I wanted to talk about some key plants that are very often overrated, and the plants that usually outshine em. Enjoy, I guess.

0:00 - Intro
1:20 - Iceberg Lettuce
5:10 - Electric Blueberry
9:31 - Fire Peashooter
11:43 - Lightning Reed
14:19 - Infi-nut
17:35 - Conclusions

Footage is from:
Plants VS Zombies 2

Mods used (in no particular order):

Music used (in order of appearance):
Dave's Theme (unnamed) - PVZ2
Frostbite Caves Wave 1 - PVZ2
Chemistry On a Thread - OMORI
Cerebrawl - PVZ1
Greenpath - Hollow Knight
Big Wave Beach Wave 1 - PVZ2
Neon Mixtape Tour Choose Your Seeds - PVZ2

Outro is an original track.
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Regarding fire pea, I think part of the reason that the community rates it so highly is how its damage scales with level. On level one, it does the same damage as a repeater, but every level after that it does more damage than repeater. A level 3 fire peashooter does 100 damage per shot while a level 3 repeater only does 30


Iceberg lettuce is a plant food sink that also stalls for setting up sun production, not a spammable staller. In the "story" levels of the game, it fits in nicely with the meta


I believe Pepper pult is not popular because it takes what feels like a wall-nut long to refresh the seed packet


Regarding iceberg, the main reasons why people think it's good are

1: at the start of the round, it can stall hard enough for you to add one or 2 sun producers before worrying about kills. This comboed with a insta kill like mine or bean allows you to focus on sun for a long time before you truly focus on damage.

2: its plant food is OP


The electric blueberry problem is that there is no reason to use it or any other random instakill plants over caulipower, as caulipower instakills and hypotizes, which allows you to snowball the zombies into a hypnotized board. And even if the caulipower instakills the wrong zombie, hypnotized zombies have a lot of value as they can deal extra damage.

And yes creeps even if its way too broken, I find it very satisfying to get enough caulipowers down to straight up win any level


I think the reason Fire Peashooter got its reputation is because the plant people compared it to the most was Pepper-Pult. Who worked fine as a heater, but as an actual offensive plant was sort of...not great. Like you said, Fire Peashooter was basically just a cheaper Repeater that could also heat plants. Well, Pepper-Pult cost the same as Repeater but also recharged slowly, attacked less frequently, and did less damage per shot (yes, it had splash damage, but that rarely made up for everything else). So when compared specifically to Pepper-Pult, the plant easiest to compare it to, Fire Peashooter seemed super powerful.


You missed the most important reason why Iceberg is considered so good.
Its PF is literally Ice shroom making it superior staller to Stunion and Stallia if you can afford using plant food on it or you have it boosted from Zen Garden.


I bet you at some point pvz2 is gonna add a cherry bomb style plant but instead of killing, it instant hypnotizes every zombie in a 3x3 area


Actually the best part of lightning reed is that it ignores all gimmicks, like shovels, umbrellas, changing lanes, jesters etc. It absolutely does not fall off in late game, since you can easily get seed packets to upgrade it. The one problem is that in challenges outside of the main game, it’s far harder to level up after lvl 3, but challenges are pay to win anyways


I think this is all because popcap was all about powercreep on most updates. For example, iceberg lettuce was the best on the start of the game, but instead of keeping its place, popcap just released stallia on lost city and stunion on frostbite caves. It happens a lot, honestly, and the best example is primal plants (expect peashooter and maybe sunflower), wasabi whip to bonk choy (now can be said about pokra beating wasabi), missile toe and banana launcher and others. Most of the times its simply better on premiuns to make people buy them. Its kinda dumb, and one of the reasons why mods are so popular.


For fire pea, i think most people say it’s op when it’s leveled, which it pretty much is, but most plants are to be fair
Also an underrated plants video would be very cool! Great video as always


Chard guard is truly a very unique and great plant and I am glad it’s final starting to get the popularity it deserves.


Only disagreement is Fire Peashooter. Before the Torchwood buff she was a flat-out upgrade to Repeater and can reliably tear through medium-health zombies. Also I'd definitely consider her the single best plant for thawing; the Lava Guava demonstration you made feels counterproductive to me as it renders Guava's main attack pointless, while Fire Pea can attack as normal _and_ warm plants around her.

Also, I was surprised to see Infi-Nut on here, and while I don't disagree I definitely think it's fair he was above Sun-Shroom on Flag Zombie's community voted list. In fact, I'd consider Sun-Shroom to be one of the most overrated plants in the game due to its sun production being very minimal early on in levels, which is especially lacking in the later worlds when levels are very fast-paced.


I use all 3 early game stallers together so often, I didn't really think to compare them all

Sure it takes a lot of seed slots, but having two full rows of fully grown sun-shrooms before the first conehead can make magnifying grass even more stupid than it normally is

But yeah, between the three, stallia is probably better. Though stunion really isn't better than iceberg lettuce. It's more versatile sure, but that small sun cost can slow down early game sun production by a lot


14:00 when you said "low risk, low reward", my headphones said "low battery, power off"


11:46 Wolfy would like a word with you.

Great video as always.


I've always laughed at the notion of Lightning Reed spam when Rotobaga spam is more fun and effective in my experience


My problem with these lists and rankings is just that no one considers newer players..is this LATE GAME plant better than this EARLY GAME one? Yea! Doesn't make the early game one horrible or anything..y'all acting like I should of hardcore researched the game first before picking it up to selectively play certain worlds to build the best team asap..nah I'm just playing through them blind going from left to right on the world screen doing them "in order" I guess. How good a plant is, is irrelevant if I can't get that plant yet especially if you have to max it out to be good (which will take ages with free piñatas and seed packets from completing levels) 💀If this were a competitive tierlist I get it, but most opinions on the plants (like people enjoying iceberg or lightning reed) are based around playing the game level to level not selectively choosing world to build an op army of plants to kill the rest of the worlds with or straight up spending money to start off with the best of the best..people grow to like and appreciate a plant that's found early because their carried them til they could find a better plant, in a way that gives the plant more value to them because even though it's not the best it was good for most of the game which inflates how they view it.


I think it's altverz that turns electric blueberry into something I like a lot more just by swapping its priorities. It focuses down special zombies before going for any standard ones, so it's there to specifically remove those. Combined with walls and some stalls, you can weed through basics while having it deal with high hp specials. It's fun to come up with setups with.


I like how, in the thumbnail he puts the shadows of the plants overshadowing the others. Really nice details!👌
