A Guide to Tolkien's Elves | Tolkien Explained

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Explaining the clans of the elves - not only the Vanyar, Noldor, & Teleri, but all the subgroups like the Sindar, Silvan, Laiquendi, Falmari, Falathrim, Avari and more. We'll cover the elves from their awakening at Cuiviénen through their travels west to Valinor, highlighting every departure (or sundering) along the way, resulting in new groups of elves!

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At Lake Cuivienen - Ted Nasmith
Haven of the Eldar - Frederic Bennett
Avari - Jenny Dolfen
Under the Stars - Liga Klavina
Osse and the Teleri - Steamey
Glorfindel and Ecthelion - Jenny Dolfen

Check out these resources for more info on the elves of Middle-earth:
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Unfinished Tales
The Atlas of Middle-earth
The Encyclopedia of Arda
Tolkien Gateway

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What is a topic in Tolkien's works that you'd like to see explained? Let me know!


"can we please stop changing our names? I don't even know how to introduce myself anymore" - unknown elf


So basically, when you read the Silmarillion you will need to stop every page or so and review this video.


I was so alone in my obsession with this material in 4th grade. I envy kids today who can connect with other like-minded fans all over the world. It was just me, my imagination, and my dog eared copy of the Silmarillion.


When you think all of this is extremely complex, just think that we are trying to understand them from an established lore. Tolkien created them all in his mind.


Vanyar is pretty straightforward. They went straight to Aman and never left. Noldor also went straight to Aman, but while some never left, most followed Feanor back to Beleriand, and some also lived in Middle Earth.
The Teleri is where it gets confusing. Some did go to Aman, but most of them stayed behind, either in Beleriand or Middle Earth, and they were given names based on where they stopped.


- C.S. Lewis to J.R.R. Tolkien


Taking the Elves to Valinor is almost like herding cats


I can’t stop watching nerd of the rings :)


This is a great explanation. I'd love a breakdown of elven relics, like when and who made the swords, the palantiri, the rings, all that.


My dude. Nothing in Eä has plagued me more than this topic. To be perfectly honest, I'm still pretty confused lol but will rewatch it at least a dozen times. Thanks so much for making this video in particular. I've been binging hard since I found your channel last week!


Tolkien seemed to have an underlying concept that the older/earlier one was, the more powerful one was. In that case, the Vanyar must have been awe inspiring in their power. They merely chose not to meddle with Middle Earth but chose to stay in Valinor. Everyone seems smitten with the power of the Noldor like Feanor and Galadriel but I suspect there were Vanyar elves far older than these 2 Noldor whose power dwarfed theirs. It's just that they were never documented.


I'm not sure if this was an oversight or maybe just not included it because it's already so much dense information, but the three elvish leaders Ingwe, Finwe, and Elwe (Thingol) all went to Valinor first, before coming back and bringing the rest. That means that despite being a Sindar, Thingol has personally seen the light of the trees.


The biggest eyeopener for me? That they travelled from east to west. Somehow where exactly on the map they came from had never stuck in my brain and that confusion made keeping track of the threads of the story and names so much more difficult. To see it visualised like this is extremely helpful. Thank you!


Best elves introduction I've ever seen, a must-watch for every Tolkien readers.


The Dwarven clans should definitely have a video of their own too!


Fun fact, Beleg was one of the original elves that awoke. This is noted in the Lay of the Children of Hurin where it is is said he knew no sire.


I'd love to see a video on the history and significance of Helm's Deep! Maybe it could be an entire series on the prominent fortresses throughout Middle-Earth?


When I was eight years old I spent so much time trying to get understand this. It took me decades, lol


I must admit. My passion for Arda came with the films. I never really came around reading the books but played the online-game. Thanks to your videos I can appreciate much of the detail that flowed into the game and you made me order the book “the hobbit” this morning :3 thank u <3
