Node Editing Text - Part 25 - Vectric For Absolute Beginners

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Node Editing Text - Part 25 - Aspire and VCarve For Absolute Beginners
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This is the 25th in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM in the Vectric Software before.
In this video, I’ll talk about converting text to curves and editing it in Node Editing mode before v-carving it.

I’ve received several questions about modifying text lately, and most of it concerning how to modify a font in Node Editing mode.

I’ll show you how to convert the text to curves, edit it in Node Editing mode, then calculate toolpaths. We’ll also do a little bit of node editing on a rectangle to create a rustic appearance for our Profile Cutout toolpath.

The file used to demonstrate in this video is not available.

As usual, if you have any comments or questions about anything I covered in this video, please put ‘em in the comment section below.

Thanks for watching!

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I’m a proud founding member of the Maker’s Media Network.

For more information on, or to download a free trial of Cut 2D, VCarve, or Aspire, visit the Vectric website at:

This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only.

#Aspire #VCarvePro #Tutorial #Beginner
Рекомендации по теме

I want to thank you for making these very informative videos. I ordered my cnc from avid cnc last June. It took almost five months to get it and get it all set up. I watched many of your videos to learn how to use vetrics v carve pro, and they have helped me alot. I know I still have much to learn, but i have no doubt your videos will continue to be a help to me.


You present your lessons in a very straight forward method. Very easy to follow and understand. Thank You.


Mark you are always informative and thanks to your videos I am able to use the software in ways that I had never thought of before watching your channel.


I'd be lost without you and this series! Thank you so much for your time and efforts.


I really appreciate your videos Mark. Nice Job. Please keep it up. I'm thinking of upgrading to Aspire, just not quite ready to make the jump


Great video again Mark! Thanks for all your hard work!


Great tutorial as usual. I think I'm going to steal your sign idea for my wife. 😀 Thanks for another super video!


Thanks again for another great video. I’m working on a project that I can use some of these techniques.


Mark Thanks for another great video. Every once in a while we need a refresher course showing some of the functions being used in a different project that we have seen in a straight forward tutorial.text editing . I believe you used a Bosch 5/8" dia v bit. would you share the cut depth of that bit from the tip to where it change in to a straight cut. ?
Here is my next question.
I use 90deg vbit to cut a chamfer on the line to a cut depth of .3 of an inch. Then I do a cut out on the out side of the line with an .125 end mill. What I am trying to figure out is how to use a start cut depth to eliminate the cutting of air before before the bit reaches wood to cut. I also use a ramp in. So how might I find a start depth for the .125 endemil
Hope that made sense.
thanks Jeff


Excellent! Hope you don't mind me using that.


Another way to change the appearance of letters is to select the different parts and flip them vertically or horizontally or Rotate them slightly. I would have even flipped the "E", and maybe the "D" upside down.


Great training lesson Mark. Thanks. Did I miss the link for that crazy font you used?
