Node Editing Text - Part 25 - Vectric For Absolute Beginners

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Node Editing Text - Part 25 - Aspire and VCarve For Absolute Beginners
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This is the 25th in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM in the Vectric Software before.
In this video, I’ll talk about converting text to curves and editing it in Node Editing mode before v-carving it.
I’ve received several questions about modifying text lately, and most of it concerning how to modify a font in Node Editing mode.
I’ll show you how to convert the text to curves, edit it in Node Editing mode, then calculate toolpaths. We’ll also do a little bit of node editing on a rectangle to create a rustic appearance for our Profile Cutout toolpath.
The file used to demonstrate in this video is not available.
As usual, if you have any comments or questions about anything I covered in this video, please put ‘em in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching!
Get your Official Mark Lindsay CNC T-shirts and coffee mugs here:
I’m a proud founding member of the Maker’s Media Network.
For more information on, or to download a free trial of Cut 2D, VCarve, or Aspire, visit the Vectric website at:
This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
#Aspire #VCarvePro #Tutorial #Beginner
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This is the 25th in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM in the Vectric Software before.
In this video, I’ll talk about converting text to curves and editing it in Node Editing mode before v-carving it.
I’ve received several questions about modifying text lately, and most of it concerning how to modify a font in Node Editing mode.
I’ll show you how to convert the text to curves, edit it in Node Editing mode, then calculate toolpaths. We’ll also do a little bit of node editing on a rectangle to create a rustic appearance for our Profile Cutout toolpath.
The file used to demonstrate in this video is not available.
As usual, if you have any comments or questions about anything I covered in this video, please put ‘em in the comment section below.
Thanks for watching!
Get your Official Mark Lindsay CNC T-shirts and coffee mugs here:
I’m a proud founding member of the Maker’s Media Network.
For more information on, or to download a free trial of Cut 2D, VCarve, or Aspire, visit the Vectric website at:
This video is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
#Aspire #VCarvePro #Tutorial #Beginner