GTA Online Has Met Its Limits…

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GTA Online is the unc of all video games from the 2010s, the age of it has been showing year after year for a little bit now, but can Rockstar do anything about it? Or is it just time to let the oldie go in peace? We will discuss more today…

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6 plus years of map fatigue is it's biggest problem


Online stopped being fun after they added flying vehicles with homing missiles


the movie studio is the only place left for one more business.


When GTA Online first came out in 2013 there wasn't really that much to do so you kind of had to make your own fun. Now that GTA Online is in it's final years there is too many things to do and buy and grind to the point where it's overwhelming or boring, so to enjoy the game you kinda just have to make your own fun.


I checked the numbers, they aren't that bad at all. The only time GTA online will truly go is when 6 comes out.


Soon as you said gta 4 was a bad game, I disregarded everything else you were saying.


We need mansions, Michael DLC, stock market and an ocean DLC


I think Rockstar missed a big opportunity with The Contract. The Agency could've been expanded on in later DLCs by adding more contracts instead of just Dre's. For example, Michael comes to us to help him find the star of his latest movie who has disappeared. Or maybe, in a bit of comedic irony, Juan Strickler comes to us because someone stole his pet panther from his island. Add a few big contracts like that, then rotate them weekly. I wouldn't even be mad if they all payed the same as Dre's.


Expanding the map borders and adding a few island would actually change so much


There is one thing....they could go out with a bang...and I would throw every single dollar I have into it...."Grand Theft Auto- Undead Nightmare."

They can do it on Halloween. They can milk the shit out of that. I would love shit and I'm sure others would.


I just started playing again after 5 years away. How you can say it's dead is beyond me. Every single lobby without exception is full and as lively as it was 5 years ago. Just because you say it's dead doesn't mean it is. Just be honest


If gta online died early

Gta 6 would have came 5 years ago


Toxic player base is the biggest problem


not gonna lie if they added some new properties (houses not businesses) that alone might do a lot, since its really silly how as a multi-million dollar criminal you live in a lousy apartment


I've always wanted an aquatic update, and there's a lot they could do out at sea. Here's 3 big ideas just from what I've come up with:

1. Private islands, this would fill the needs of players wanting mansions. You could select either a drift track, a race course, or a drag strip for leisure, and your choice of drug farms. I'd say islands would be about half the size of Cayo Perico.

2. Oil Rigs. A military style business taking inspiration from Metal Gear Solid V. You buy an abandoned oil rig, start up a mercenary group, and take contracts for all sorts of corrupt politicians and governments. You can expand base, invade other players' bases, and defend against attackers.

3. Deep sea diving. More of a relaxed legal type of business, like the chop shop, taxi service ect. You buy a fishing trawler, and take contracts for deep sea extractions. You can also fish using this.

But if we do get a sea expansion, we need fishing if anything else.


I laughed when you said CAN I SPEAK out loud 😂


having 2 or 3 maps to pick from as well as some player made maps would be sick, the game still holds up very well, the main reason im hyped for gta 6 is just to explore the map


North Yankton being added doesn’t make a ton of sense because it’s supposed to be a model of North Dakota… so unless you’re getting on a jet at the airport.


Ever since 2019, I stopped playing the game

It got tiring, it was repetitive, and I just developed interest in new games, and then two years later, I got myself a computer and started playing GTA on PC, but only in single player with modifications enabled.

I am still tired of grand theft auto online, and I am never touching it again, I will just wait for the sequel.

Whatever updates they do, whatever features they add, I’m not touching it again, especially not on PC, it’s highly unsecured, and could put yourself at risk, you can literally get your IP address leaked by just playing the game, because they refuse to add security measures.

The anti-cheat is a joke, it doesn’t work, it’s inefficient, it’s a big ass joke.

And the only glitches they tend to patch as a priority is glitches that make things, fun… clothing glitches, police outfit glitches, boundary breaking, and the famous North Yankton glitch, which I remember doing all the time back when online launched, and I had so much fun doing that.

But nowadays, the game is a shell of its former self, it’s got too much, it’s way too grindy, and they just got greedy with the game.

In my opinion around 2017 to 2019, the game started to lose its soul, and by 2020, it was dead, and they only pushed out updates to make more money, without caring about the players as much.

Even though they’ve turned themselves around in terms of DLC choices, there is still the issues have mentioned, grind, balance, lack of fun most most of the time.

I did go back briefly for the casino heist DLC, it was fun, but other than the rest of the game was boring.

So yeah, I’m not touching online again, I’m waiting for a sequel, and I will pray for better quality.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk


I knew it was a whole new generation playing gta when sb said it peaked in 2020😭
