Wes Milliron @WesMilliron - Lessons learned planning and implementing 2 Node vSAN

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Great presentation, glad to see you understand this product (this is unfortunately rare on customer side).
Couple of points though:
Objects are only accessible if you have >50% of components available, potentially there are misconfigured/broken scenarios that can result in exactly 50% of components available, these will not be accessible.
My 2 cents with regard to 1 Witness for multiple clusters is that it is too much of an all eggs in one basket approach - let's say we have 10 1+1+1 clusters all using the same Witness and the Witness fails in some manner, all your data in all of these clusters is essentially FTT=0 until you resolve this issue.
Regarding logging to vsanDatastore, this is not advised as it is unsupported because it can cause issues - not because you would lose logging if you had issues.
As you stated it is not going to use both uplinks when Active/Active, as such it is better just to set it Active/Standby.
Good validation/troubleshooting practice to always specify -s <relevant packet size> and -d when using vmkping
Thanks for pointing out the Health UI, all vSAN admins should be aware of this and check on a regular basis - it should be the first port of call when troubleshooting issues as it can save a lot of time.
CLOM default repair timer is not applicable to a 1+1+1 or 2+1 cluster as there is no available location to repair the data if you have lost quorum.
Thanks for giving 1+1+1/2+1 clusters an honest shake - it isn't applicable to all workloads but is ideal for a lot of our customers (retail especially) with hundreds/thousands of branches
