How a phonograph governor works; or governor springs, part 4

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As was mentioned in the description of part one, my available spring stock is too stiff to allow for full speed range, but the opportunity to experiment was one I could not pass on. The regulation is very good, 78 rpm is obtainable and stable, but the range from 60 to 80 rpm is almost impossible to achieve. Original springs were about 0.007" to 0.008" thick, and approx. 3/16" wide. The first set of replacement springs I made was 0.011" thick, and the same width. This second set is about 0.009" thick, which is still too strong to allow the weights to move out much. This means the range of speed regulation is limited.
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My Columbia Grafonola had a noisy motor and was not really regulating quite right, but, after replacing a couple of gears and it is now quieter than before, the governor weights and springs were replaced as well


You can't go wrong with Guy Lombardo, however, maybe keep checking the speed does your regulator have a adjusting screw underneath? if it does turn it clock wise or counter clock wise
