Q&A: Why Should We Follow Muhammad Instead Of Jesus? | Dr. Shabir Ally

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"I am a young Muslim in the US. I'm struggling with my faith. My question is, why should we follow Muhammad instead of Jesus?" Dr. Shabir Ally says that while God favours some prophets over others, Muslims are instructed in the Quran to believe in all of them and draw no distinction between them. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to human beings as God's final prophet, so we are told in the Quran to obey and follow him. But in doing so, Muslims understand that they're following all the prophets indirectly. Often the question is extended, and people draw comparisons, saying that Muhammad was violent but Jesus was peaceful. Dr. Shabir says their social and political contexts differ. Muslims had to rise in defense of themselves under the leadership of Muhammad to protect their society from invaders attacking them due to their religious beliefs. In contrast, in the Quran, Jesus is represented as a peaceful person. And yet Dr. Shabir points out that in the biblical record, the underlying motif was for Jesus to be son of David, the Messiah, and his role was to overthrow Roman rule to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. According to the Bible, he was crucified, so he didn't fulfill this role of violent Messiah. Dr. Shabir says the New Testament was written at a time when Christians didn't have power and could face severe persecution from the Roman authorities had they exhibited any sort of inclination to overthrow Roman rule, so they de-emphasized the Messiah role and represented Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

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If you can follow a person who is pure and sinless; a person who is divine, alive, and next to the Father in heaven; why would you follow a sinful man who is dead?
All praise be to God.


As someone who grew up Catholic and am relatively new to Islam, I appreciate these videos.


By saying, that Jesus has died before completing his message which included violence is a big error on you side. "Jesus died exactly when his mission was complete", his message was calling for " peace and love and forgiveness".. and everything without a doubt went perfectly according to God's plan. Jesus's life is a perfect example of total surrender to God's will.


Jesus answered: "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."


You are lieying, why follow Mohammed, for more than, other prophet even idolising him, Jesus is not a prophet point of correction, he is God our lord and personal savior, and his kingdom has no end, Amen!!!!


Dr Shabir, what a wise person and what an ambassador for Islam and perhaps all people of the book.
I have heard it said many times the Muhammad was a man of violence unlike Jesus.
Bear in mind that I'm not actually technically a Muslim I feel many are not comparing apples with apples.
Let's look at Jesus, he was a man of peace but he also lived in a very controlled environment, the Roman's ruled with an iron fist otherwise I'm sure the Jews would really have killed him first.
Now let's look at Prophet Muhammad, born into the lawless wild west where the only rule was the tribal.
He had to marry into tribes to make pacts just like the European royalty did.
Often the violence was against people who wanted to stab him inthe back.
One man united the Arabs and dormed an Islamic empire that went into North Africa and pushed in Europe through Spain.


'By praying the way like the Prophet Muhammad prayed, we are automatically praying as other prophets before him prayed.'
A definition of the term 'pray' is important. When Jesus fell on his face to pray, he was clearly making a supplication not performing the shalah. Muslims make supplications by raising the palms of their hands facing upwards. And they fall on their faces when they perform the shalah which is made up of a number of


I am Christian don't acknowledge Muhammad as a prophet but this show is top tier in being unbias and speaking his truth regarding his religious beliefs.


Respect to Dr. Shabir from a Christian. I don't agree with some of the religious ideas but I learned a lot about Islam from this channel, I like your nuanced approach to the subject matter and respect to those of different beliefs. May God make us al standfast in always treating eachother in respect!


I thought Messiah means an anointed. Why is shabir saying Messiah means a prophet or king. Even in arabi Maseeh means someone who has been touched. In this case touched by the arch angel Gabriel. .


ask him on my behalf who brought Mohammed..why did Mohamed say he's the last messenger..who prophesied his coming? where is he mentioned?


Very cool discussion! Personally, I think that when the Quran says to obey God and obey the messenger, it might not actually be saying to follow Muhammad, but rather, to obey the message that he delivered from God. The problem with the Quran just saying to obey God is that it wouldn't be new instructions for a polytheist, a Jewish person, a Christian person, etc. Such a person would already feel that they're following God. Interestingly, in Sura 46 Verse 9, Muhammad says "I am not a novelty among the messengers, nor do I know what will happen to me or to you. I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me. I am no more than a clear warner."


That's a nice deceptive answer. Satan would be proud.


Thanks Shabir Ally for this concise but yet enlightening answer


- How do you know that Islam is good and true?
- Because the prophet Mohammed said so.
- O.K. And how do we know that Mohammed was a prophet?
- Because Mohammed said so.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha... Really? O.K.
A random guy with no credential whatsoever to be a prophet of God comes along with a pile of nonsense, says that he is a prophet of God, and that is that?
Come on, man... Come on man and woman.
Jesus is Lord.
Merry Christmas.


Prophets weren't violent, they were just. It's important words are chosen carefully. A "violent" man is associated with negativity and injustice. David killed goliath, we Muslims call that justice not violence.


I asked few Imams regarding the Hadith which says that Prophet Muhammad Aleyhiselam will marry the mother of Jesus Christ, the sister of prophet Moses Aleyhiselam and the wife of the Pharaoh . That Hadith says prophet Muhammad Aleyhiselam will marry them in the Jannah. I asked what is the reason he to marry them ? The Imams were not able to answer this question.


The difference is, we dont mere following Jesus, we Worship Him..

Can you worship Muhammad?
Of course not....


Peace Dr Shabir and to your Daughter, I do wish people would be respectful, for those who do not have a good thing to say, then say nothing, if you must still say something negative or hatred, then it just shows you haven't read the New Testament or Koran, if you think you have, then clearly you didn't understand them. May God grant you the wisdom to understand this one day.


The quality of this show and its content is way above the clouds. More people should start seeing these episodes. Thank you for creating these videos, @LetTheQuranSpeak ❤
