GTA IV - GTA III Rage Classic Beta ' Exclusive Gameplay 4 HD

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another gameplay video of rage classics i tried to show what i could but the author wanted me to show one part of the island so thats why it can get abit repeative but i am really impressed how far this mod has gone
also i am fully aware my video count has decreased so has video quality but i am battling depression and anxiety however i do have alot more to show in the future i will be back with the same type of videos i used to make i have big plans for gta v and several friends who wants to help me with them so my videos may suck now but i will be back hoping to be the first or among the first to show gta 5 mods i for example have a friend whos on the edge of getting mods working for max payne 3 and he is letting me make a video of it that means red dead redemption on the max payne 3 rage engine and or liberty city he is one of the people who made gta 4 modding possible in the first place so he knows these things however i have no gurantees on what i said i have just been promised it
another gameplay video of rage classics i tried to show what i could but the author wanted me to show one part of the island so thats why it can get abit repeative but i am really impressed how far this mod has gone
also i am fully aware my video count has decreased so has video quality but i am battling depression and anxiety however i do have alot more to show in the future i will be back with the same type of videos i used to make i have big plans for gta v and several friends who wants to help me with them so my videos may suck now but i will be back hoping to be the first or among the first to show gta 5 mods i for example have a friend whos on the edge of getting mods working for max payne 3 and he is letting me make a video of it that means red dead redemption on the max payne 3 rage engine and or liberty city he is one of the people who made gta 4 modding possible in the first place so he knows these things however i have no gurantees on what i said i have just been promised it