Ender 3 V2 and Orbiter V2 printing head update

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In this video I upgrade the Ender 3 V2 to use a new printing head with 5015 radial fans. The setup includes.
Dragonfly BMS hotend
Orbiter V2 Extruder
5015 24V fans (part cooling)
4010 fan (hotend)
3D model links
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0:00 Intro
0:27 Design Intro
2:06 V8 Head Disassembly
2:58 Proto 1 Assembly
4:57 Proto 1 Testing
7:02 Proto 2 build
8:35 Proto 2 Benchy
Dragonfly BMS hotend
Orbiter V2 Extruder
5015 24V fans (part cooling)
4010 fan (hotend)
3D model links
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0:00 Intro
0:27 Design Intro
2:06 V8 Head Disassembly
2:58 Proto 1 Assembly
4:57 Proto 1 Testing
7:02 Proto 2 build
8:35 Proto 2 Benchy
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