How To Use The POOL CALCULATOR | Keep Your Pool Water Crystal Clear Part 2

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Many of my subscribers commented to me that they have no idea how to use the Pool Calculator so in this video I show you exactly how to use it and also give you some more updated information on how to keep your above ground pools crystal clear blue all summer long.

CBBM Method
C = Chlorine
B = Baking Soda | Raises Alkalinity & PH
B = Borax | Raises PH Only
M = Muriatic Acid | Lowers PH & Alkalinity

Link to the Pool Website Chemical Calculator

Link to Aquachek 7 Testing Strips

EASYTEST 7 Testing Strips (I haven't tried these but found a good deal on them)

Link to 50lb bucket of 3 Inch Chlorine Tabs

Link to 25lb bucket of 3 Inch Chlorine Tabs

Baking Soda

Liquid Chlorine

Muriatic Acid

Groovy Town Funk
by Infraction

Early Morning
by Infraction
Рекомендации по теме

I’m one of those who tried to use the pool calculator but couldn’t figure it out from the info provided in your first video. I’ll try again. THANK YOU for this detailed tutorial. Ill let you know how it goes.


I love watching all you videos you are so detailed and explain things very well . I can’t think you enough!! You are so appreciated more then you know 😉❤


Man I’m really thankful 🙏🏼 your the bomb I really appreciate your time 🙏🏼 you explained it ver well I now understand the pool calculator.


You are the bomb 2Legit. Me and hubby are only using your channel to care for our pool. ❤ we are enjoying our Crystal Clear pool here in this desert in California where we live.


Hello! Do u put the chemicals directly in the pool or through the skimmer?
