TN07 My Go2 Antenna, Stealthy HOA 80-6 Meter Ham Radio Antenna Review

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Is the My Go2 antenna an HOA Stealthy antenna? What makes it special? Why should you consider it? Well, lets talk about it!

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The fact that products exist to hide your hobbies from an HOA should really tell you all you need to know about HOAs.


I’ve had this antenna for over a year and it has been great. I live in middle Tennessee and I have made FT8 contacts all over Europe and parts of Africa and from Canada to the entire South America continent. I’ve had this antenna deploy the whole time I’ve owned it. TN07 is a great company and Bob is a really good person.


Bought this and it just arrived this week.
Just went out with it today for the first time to try it out.
1. I can confirm that it is quick and easy to set up. Very convenient for Pota & portable ops.
2. I was able to work many bands and made enough contacts to activate a park.
3. However, I had 3-1 swr on all bands, and was able to use it all day because I had a built in tuner in my radio (ft-450d).
4. 20-30mph wind gust had no effect on the vertical.
5. The setup is really stealthy. Many hikers dog walkers and random passers by in the park with me nearly tripped on the wire or thought the rods were part of the fence. It does not look like an antenna...much less a permanent monstrosity that HOA's hate.
6. It works, but it was on the expensive side.

Update: After 3 or 4 deployments now and in different soil-types for the grounding rods, I have been around 2:1 SWR. This antenna is very capable and convenient and is the real deal. It has earned a permanent position in my top rotation of deployment antennas and is always in my jeep now.

73, de W3LAM


I can say from owning this antenna for a bit, I have worked many DX contacts (i.e. South America, Puerto Rico, New Zealand...etc) besides a lot of stations in the U.S. I also get many 58, 59 constant reports. Yes it is expensive, but honestly for a compromise antenna it has been worth it every penny.


Sounds like a Magic Antenna. And ... everything magic is a bit suspicious :). It's suspicious that the SWR is flat accross that huge frequency range as is 3, 5 to 50 MHz. It's only possible, IMHO at the price of high transmitted energy losses. It's nothing wrong with such approach, wide -range SWR might be a superior priority compare to radiated power efficiency ( if the goal is to establish a comm link from A to B at the known specs, like distance, frequency, time etc., like in military or emcomm ). But then this should be clearly stated in the user manual. It's suspicious that such a bulky Impedance Matching Device is sealed in the resin compound with no chance to peek inside it, and it's only rated at "real" 25W output power CW or Digital. So obviously it's not a FT-240-43 ferrite core inside :) So what's then inside that box? Kinda' termination resistor? Paying 499 USD, I feel like having a right to know ... Last on my suspicions list is advertising it as POTA portable antenna. Fine, but how can I know if the soil in the park I come to will be soft enough to drive 2 copper rods into it? What if not? No POTA. It seems that the Go2 is a new player in the market and is quite active in doing a marketing campaign, I saw already a second or third review on YT recently and all are very positive. That's good. But I'm suspicious, I want more evidence :) Thanks for the review anyway! 73! Linas LY2H


I have spent a lot of money on antennas and building antennas since I earned my General license in 2020, and I have enjoyed experimenting with everything in my arsenal; but the MyGoTo antenna is, without question, the best of the lot. TN07 Engineering has done a remarkable job designing this antenna. I have deployed the MyGoTo at Wednesday afternoon sessions of the Bastrop Country Amateur Radio Club at a local city park. It always gets stellar reviews from my fellow Hams.


Interesting design. But at $499 its way overpriced. I’d buy if it were half this price.


4:09 -- Heard that the top portion of the slide-hammer would "convex" after frequent use. No big deal but it may rupture over time. A little bit of a engineering over sight. THANKS for its recall!


You did a nice commercial for the product. Some real-world testing would have been nice too. Show us some live antenna measurements showing SWR on different frequencies, some different locations, is the antenna directional, how well does it work in different soils. Will it work on a sandy beach near salt water. Re-do this video and include more info.


I like everything about this antenna sans the price. Deployment time, bands you can use and low SWR are all big attractive traits. Could be great for POTA stuff. I'll wait and see if the price comes down. Great video. Thank you again Josh!! 73


If this were manufactured you-know-where and sold at Big Lots, it’d be $39.95.


Over half the price of an Icom 7300. Buy an antenna book, pick a design for small spaces and build it.


Compare to the Broadband Comet CHA-250B and Diamond BB7V — someone who has limited space but needs use of all bands, quickly, the T antenna appears to be a great choice. FYI: the Diamond uses a 6:1 unun and a 600 Ohm resistive load. Great presentation! 73 KO4CES


Would have been nice if the reviewer had run WSPR so we could see how the antenna performed. I would be interested to see how the antenna would do.


this stuff is soo overwhelming lol, but ill hang in there
i wonder if it works the same in other parts of the world
great channel too!


Bob is a great guy and TN07 make great products.


A flat VSWR doesnt mean the Antenna will radiate well, A 50 ohm resistor has a flat VSWR also...


Just wondering why you didn't do some RBN tests and compare it to your existing antennas? But for 500 dollars, jeez that's a crazy price for what you get. The MFJ 1979 17ft whip is about 50 dollars or so!


I think the shown SWR spectrum is not possible, if there is not any resistor in the bottom case. This is a dummyload with a radiator, I think... Any EFHW wire antenna with 1:49 unun is much better and cheaper than that.
73 by Martin (DG4BAD)


Thanks for this review. However, it would have been nice if you addressed how efficient this antenna is. SWR is not the whole you know, you could put a 100 ohm resistor on the output of your transmitter and achieve a 2:1 SWR, but you would not get much radiation. Impedance matching is important, of course, but that does not mean you are getting a signal out. Maybe an update to this review would show RBN results on the various band and that would be more informative. That being said...WOW! That is really pricey!
Tnx es 73 de Arnie W8DU
