7 Citrus Tree Mistakes to Avoid

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After a year of growing citrus here at the Epic Homestead, here are a few issues to avoid if you want more success growing citrus, no matter where you live.

00:00 - Intro
00:46 - Thinning The Interior
01:06 - Pruning Before Flowering
02:12 - Pruning For Shape
02:56 - Not Removing Fruit
03:55 - Letting Too Many Weeds Grow
04:32 - Not Preparing In Fall
05:44 - Not Protecting In Winter
06:53 - Outro


→ Trees from Four Winds Growers and local nurseries




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Even if you do make a few of these mistakes, don't give up! I planted a meyer lemon tree in my front yard about 10 years ago, but only really start to take my garden seriously about 3 years ago. The lemon tree was kind of sad and thin looking, but with better care and feeding it looks great now. Random people walking by will comment on it, and I'll leave the extra fruit that I don't think I can use out for the neighbors to take.


Love Citrus Trees, everyone should grow some if they have any room at all, a tree for life. Nice Video


This last winter in Houston it plunged to around 15. I wrapped a citrus, about 4' to 5' in tent made of blankets and placed 2 light bulbs in special sockets underneath. It survived several days of the cold without any apparent ill effects and continued growing vigorously when the weather warmed.


We close on our first house next week and one of the first things I’m doing is planting citrus trees! I’m very excited


I've pruned plenty of fruit trees, you are not just allowing airflow, you also allow light to areas that otherwise would be shaded. Best time to prune is right after harvest, and take off sucker branches on the inside up to flowering. Giving your trees light and air energy will increase fruit production and stronger branches for bigger fruit.


My grandfather was a citrus nurseryman in Florida. He always said "First year sleep, second year creep, third year leap." He'd pinch off all the fruits the first year, let his 2cd year citrus grow one, maybe two fruits, and then the third year let 'er rip for a huge harvest off of healthy trees. He said it was like having babies before you were fully grown-- you don't want to stunt their growth!


One thing about container citrus that differs is that you do want to open up the centre by pruning a bit, because if you're keeping it inside, it won't be getting as much airflow and will be more susceptible to mold issues, scale, etc. At least that's what I've found. Even if it's not as good for the tree, it's much easier to maintain if/when you do get something like scale that you need to reach in to deal with to keep the tree healthy.
Just picked my first lemon of the season yesterday in Ontario Canada! 7 more pretty much ripe, 11 more green on the way, and it's currently blooming again lol.. not bad for a 4 foot tall, 4 foot wide tree in a pot!
Oh and 7 green oranges and new blossoms on my orange tree (harvested I think 4 oranges a few weeks ago, smaller tree than the lemon)

Love love love love love growing citrus up north - nothing beats the smell!! Both the flowers and the leaves!!


Great video Kevin! One other mistake I’d add is not removing rootstock suckers from the base of the tree. Most citrus is grafted and the rootstock can easily take over a young tree and suck energy from the scion you wanted if they aren’t removed. Thanks for your great content, love your videos and channel.


I live in zone 9a/b and the Christmas lights have literally saved my plants during a hard freeze or lengthy frost. I'm not sure how much they can help in colder climates, but they do work to push the temps up just a few degrees above freezing.


I live in New England and have one Citrus tree indoors for the winter. It seems to be doing well. Had to get a better grow light, but it’s better than the tree stressing and losing leaves.


I live in New York but my grandpa in Florida grew the BEST citrus I have ever seen and tasted. Brings back memories!


I bought a couple of citrus trees in late November and there already producing more than 20 fruits per tree. I have no idea how or why so fast, but I'm happy.


Florida gardener here! Great video on citrus! Love love your channel!


Hey hey I saw your other video. Not only can you eat the sweet potatoes, the leaves taste great too! You just need to cook them with a bit of garlic and they will become very soft. Great source of nutrition and fiber. And they grow super fast.


Live in Missouri and remember my grandparents had an orange tree in a pot that bore fruit around Christmas. It was about 3 feet tall and my grandpa was so proud. Almost 40 years ago. I hated the spikes. Lol good memories


I did what everyone said not to and started citrus from seed, growing fast and can’t wait till my four pomelo trees fruit:)


I really liked this video! I live in zone 7b Oklahoma and have several citrus trees. I wish that I could plant them in the ground, but sometimes it gets too cold, just like a few weeks ago it was -4 degree F with the wind gusts. I’m afraid that even with all of that winter protection they would die. I keep them in a heated greenhouse over the winter and take them out when days and nights are above 60 degrees F. Please try to post more videos about citrus care when you have some time 😀🙏🍋🍊


BEST TIMING FOR THIS VIDEO !!! I have sooo many citrus trees and I’m overwhelmed. I’ve been in over my head in charge of a giant tropical garden 😭


I'm assuming the thumbnail is a play on words for the video? As it says "MSTAKES" not "MISTAKES"... quite ironic!


A note on the Christmas lights-don't use the LED ones. They don't put off enough heat. They're also acceptable for keeping your oil from freezing if you don't have a head bolt heater on your car and you live in the north. Just like them up and stick them on your engine overnight.
