Money With Monika II Why life insurance is not an investment option

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Money with Monika - Season 1 is a weekly personal finance show that answers your queries on all investment matters. In Episode 4, personal finance expert Monika Halan decodes the utility of life insurance as an investment product. She says that it is crucial to analyse returns on life insurance as tax breaks are available on other investment products too. She also differentiates between the utility of a term plan versus a bundled plan.
Monika Halan is the Consulting Editor of Mint, and author of Let’s Talk Money. In this series, she takes you through the various avenues of savings open to an individual to discover the best way to maximise your returns while minimising your risk. She will also be taking questions from viewers on financial products that suit depending on income, age, risk appetite and life goals. If you want to see your money grow, do tune in to Money with Monika.
Monika Halan is the Consulting Editor of Mint, and author of Let’s Talk Money. In this series, she takes you through the various avenues of savings open to an individual to discover the best way to maximise your returns while minimising your risk. She will also be taking questions from viewers on financial products that suit depending on income, age, risk appetite and life goals. If you want to see your money grow, do tune in to Money with Monika.
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