Quantum Immortality

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Part 1 - Let's look into yet another potential cause of the Mandela Effect!

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This one scares the shit out of me because I remember certain big family events or things about a family member that either no one else remembers or are no longer true. Crazy stuff.


WOW. I survived a car wreck when I was younger that could have killed me. How I even made it out of the car is a mystery. I came to the conclusion then, that I must have died there, but continued living in an alternate reality. I don't even know where I got that from, but it's how I made sense of it in my own mind. This sh!t is crazy!


The Mandela Effect used to terrify me, now it's the absolute most logical concept I've ever known. Time isn't linear, so when that concept is mastered, it becomes obvious what has been happening to us. The past is not something that happened a long time ago. It's happening at our present time. Our future is also happening at this moment. So when a person takes the time to heal any pain or trauma they had from the past, they literally changed their present and their future thus catapulting them into a higher timeline. That's just one example but that's the basics of it. We are the creators of our reality. That fact is becoming difficult to ignore thanks to the Mandela Effect.


I'm almost convinced that I experienced Quantum Immortality back in 2005 during a horrible car accident. I hit a power pole going around 100 mph. It broke the power pole in two and the full size truck I was in flipped end over end (not rolled, end over end) 3 times and landed upside down, totally destroying the truck. I crawled out the back window. Once I got out I was looking inside the truck to see if my body was still inside because I just knew I was dead. This was on a very rural road running along a lake. The truck landed a few feet from the water. I actually left the scene on foot, because I didn't hardly have a scratch on me and it was in my younger, wilder years, and I was on probation, so I didn't want to talk to Law Enforcement. 😂 Come to find out the emergency workers drug the lake for a body all night. They thought the person driving had been thrown from the truck. They couldn't believe I survived.

Here's where it gets crazy.

I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. As I was headed towards the power pole I thought to myself "Oh shit I'm not wearing my seatbelt and I am about to die" HOWEVER, once I came to a stop I DID have my seatbelt on. No possible way I could have put it on in the time it took for the wreck to happen. It was extremely violent and there just isn't any way I could have put the seatbelt on and not remember

Everything changed that night. It was a very strange night and soon after I started noticing changes in those that I knew and loved. My wife especially (we're still married). They were small changes, but changes nonetheless. At first I didn't think much about it, but as I got into researching The Mandela Effect and Quantum Immortality, I realized what had probably taken place. I do believe I may have died that night in that truck and seamlessly jumped to this realm where I survived. Its a very strange feeling to know that you probably already died. Hell, I could be a ghost right now.


I liked the other realm better....


One of these days, the name "mandela affect" is going to change


I love the Quantum Immortality idea, because I thought of that idea way back when I was a young kid, and didn't know anyone else had thought of that until just now. The reason I thought of it is because I was thinking about how it seems like dying is something that can only happen to other people, but never to you, and I wondered if it's like that for everyone.


I have read the theory in which our oversoul is actively participating in all realities simultaneously but the majority of our conscious is focused in one timeline, that which has the highest potential for realizing the highest divine purpose.
What’s interesting is I notice my thoughts have the power to change my timeline. For example, I was once washing dishes happily, the day was full of bright, white sunlight. I felt tall and capable. Then my thoughts began to spiral downward as I continued. I looked up through the window (only a few mins had passed) but now the sunlight was dimmer and had an orange yellow tinge to it. I also felt shorter, squatter. And as if anything I tried to do would be a struggle. I feel these are the subtle perceptions of changing timeline, plus the feeling of vertigo when you do hop.


My mother experienced a close call fighting cancer and I experienced a reality shift during that time. People changed overnight. Good friends became hostile in the blink of an eye. Around that time is when I started noticing Mandella Effects. I believe that in my original reality my mother passed away at that point but I jumped to a reality where she survived. The way people I knew for twenty plus years changed in an instant proved it too me. They were different versions of the people I knew.


Maybe yo dont kill alternate consciousnesses, but you can merge with them hence the reason you can have both memories.


I ride a bicycle every single day when going to work, I've been in many accidents and been closed to experience some very dangerous that could've easily end my life, and I've started to notice a certain pattern, every time this happens, some minor changes in my life happen, some objects change places, I "forget" things I've said or done, people forget or denied thing I've said and done, my cats behave diferent etc etc.

Now that I know this theory even exists... Man I'm scared as fuck


I think we may be stuck in a simulation of some sort. There’s seemingly a glitch in mine. Here’s why I think that. Every night when I turn on the light to enter my bedroom, I look down at the carpet. This started maybe 5-6 months ago for me. I noticed a big area that looked almost bleached out. Then I kept seeing this spot move around each night. Thought I was losing my damn mind. Then lockdown happened and my daughter and granddaughter came to stay with me most of the summer. I pointed it out to her to make sure I was still sane. She saw the same damn thing happening. Every day, it’s in a completely different spot. I can vacuum over it, swish my feet through it, and it changes nothing. It just literally changes from one day to the next. Even started taking pics of it. All I know is I didn’t originate in the current world. That this is not where I belong. It’d be nice to have answers.


I once had a girlfriend who was the nicest kindest person you could ever met, then one day out of the blue she completely changed to somebody I didn't recognise anymore, she seemed selfish and uncaring and she just wasn't the person I knew and loved. I'm convinced I jumped into an alternate timeline, where we never shared the same connection as in the previous one.


I found the mandela effect a few years ago and found it so much fun until i heard this theory. It made too much sense because I can think of many times when I could have or should have died. I felt so guilty for all the versions of my loved ones I might have left behind. Its taken work, but I have moved passed this guilt and sorrow, but now I fell closer and more aware of alternate deaths. In my dreams, I've died dozens of ways, but the older I get, the less I think dreams are just dreams.


Excuse me while I go rethink my life and question my entire existence


Discovered a change to an already existing ME this morning. If you recall the OutKast song Sorry Ms. Jackson had switched from “apologized a million times “ to “apologized a thousand times”. Well now when you listen to it the song is “ apologized a TRILLION times”


I don’t know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with whatever demonic rituals and things they’re doing at CERN.


I hadn't heard of quantum immortality until tonight. About a year ago I was attacked, and there was a moment where I completely lost my vision. At that moment, the attack stopped and I mustered up the remaining strength I had to quickly get up from the ground and start running. I remember running for what felt like 30 seconds, then suddenly I could see again. My visuals coming back was like a light switch turning on, in the sense that while I was running it was complete darkness. I could only feel what I was running on against my feet, and I had no idea if I was even running a safe path. I just knew I wanted to get away, so got up and ran, then could very suddenly see. I turned around when I could see again, and who had attacked me weren't there anymore. I figured they'd ran away also. I managed to get myself to a hospital on foot, but was seemingly forgotten in the waiting area. I waited so long that I decided to just leave. I then walked to who I had thought was a compassionate friend's house nearby, but they only let me stay for about 15 minutes before making me leave. Needless to say, local people's behaviour seemed so strange toward me from that night forward that I naturally started to wonder if I had died that night, and perhaps my mind had recreated a familiar setting from memory, like a dream or something. I still can't be completely sure, but when I heard of this "quantum immortality" idea tonight chills happened. I'm not a doctor, but the experience of completely losing my sight from head trauma, then suddenly regaining it was odd to say the least. I remember being extremely grateful when it suddenly came back. Reading other people's comments describing a darkness between reappearing, is an eerie similarity to me.


I think this theory has some merit based on my experiences. There are many times in my life where i had extreme fear and felt i should’ve died in that situation. One for example, I was in a canoe with my grampa. There was a hug tree next to the river with its roots covering half the river. It was on a spot where the river turned to the right. We tried to navigate the turn but flipped the canoe. The stream pushed us straight under the tree roots. But me and my grampa both grabbed onto some roots in the front and were fighting the current to bring ourselves up. If anything went slightly wrong in that situation we would have been under the tree and drowned.


I was saying to the kids that in some alternate reality their mom never passed away. Possibly we're all together still. Or in another reality all of us might have passed away and she might be the one alone and missing us all horribly. It would be wonderful to be able to call or text or open the door and step through that other reality even for an hour. But if I could spend an hour with my lady again at the end of it would I not want to leave? Or just keep opening doors and travel with her. Probably just keep running through time..


I’ve had an NDE. I was in a coma for 3 days. My timeline has completely changed for me since I woke up and I remember the void I was in before waking up from my coma. It was like I was in limbo. No light just true darkness and real silence. It was very peaceful though. I fell backwards slowly like floating down and then I woke up confused. Nothing has been the same since. Maybe that’s what black holes are. Many people who have had NDEs describe similar experiences.
