Part 2 - PKI Meets Red Team: Revealing Common Microsoft AD CS Misconfigurations

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In Part 2 of PKI Meets Red Team, our Red Team & PKI Experts from SpecterOps and Keyfactor as they discuss common reasons, trends, and dynamics of situations where AD CS is either overlooked or misconfigured.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) PKI is widely used by enterprises today, yet it has largely flown under the radar of attackers and defenders – until now. Recent research by SpecterOps reveals common user misconfigurations in AD CS that, if left unchecked, create serious security blind spots that attackers can abuse for credential theft, domain escalation, and persistence.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) PKI is widely used by enterprises today, yet it has largely flown under the radar of attackers and defenders – until now. Recent research by SpecterOps reveals common user misconfigurations in AD CS that, if left unchecked, create serious security blind spots that attackers can abuse for credential theft, domain escalation, and persistence.