Powdery Mildew Gardening 101 for Florida Vegetable Gardens

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Powdery mildew is a very common issue for Florida gardening. You may immediately want to run to the store for a commercial fungicide but there are much less toxic organic fungicides that you probably already have at home. In this organic gardening 101 videos with Elise Pickett of The Urban Harvest, you will learn how to identify powder mildew, what caused it, & how to eliminate it so that your Florida garden can get back to being healthy & productive!

0:00 What is Powdery Mildew?
1:38 Causes of Powdery Mildew
6:21 How to Identify Powdery Mildew
6:45 How to Treat Powdery Mildew
10:10 Powdery Mildew Treatment Recipe
11:28 Is Powdery Mildew Safe to Eat?

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Watching all of your videos and benefiting so much. I am finally going full force is developing an urban homestead in Miami, and appreciate your guidance.


thanks for this! i'm going to try it now!


Amazing...and excellent info. You are such a joy to watch!!!!


Another good video. Keep them coming! I've never heard of milk being used.


Thanks for the info. Is there any studies on milk alternatives instead of regular milk for us vegans?


Awesome video! My okra got destroyed with powdery mildew this fall.😩 BTW I LOVE your purple Where did you find 💜


Hello Elise I love your channel. Q- does is have to be Cow's milk? How about Almond or other milks. So basically what is it on the milk that helps with mildew problem, thanks


Should I store the milk mixture in the refrigerator? How many times a week should I spray with it?


Will milk work for fungus that causes the edges of leaves to yellow/brown and curl up when white spots aren't present such as seen on squash plants?
