The Reality of Evil

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Over the course of 40 years, Dr. Peterson has dedicated his studies to understanding the motivation behind committing atrocities in the name of belief. His fascination with this subject stemmed from a belief that comprehending its roots could potentially lead to finding a solution. As the saying goes, "90% of the solution lies in clearly formulating the problem."



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I’ve experienced so much evil in my personal life. Saw my mother hang herself at the age of 3, been in a foster home, been molested as a chicks by a trusted adult friend, had a child, was cheated on by the mother of my child with my own father and her step father. Facing a child custody battle for my son with no one to help me. I’ve had evil thoughts in my mind for so long… this is not even the half of the evil I’ve experienced. I feel into synth shadow and my desire for revenge, only recently have I turned towards God and moral goodness. In my personal experience, to be good is the only true, rational, and spiritual response to living a life overran by evil. It’s the only thing I feel calling to me, I just want to be a better, stronger, more morally sound person. I used to want to fight fire with fire and watch the whole world burn, now I only know that I must sacrifice in order for my Son and those who are not me to experience a better world than I ever did. And in a very powerful and meaningful way that rectifies all the suffering I have ever endured.


The truly evil don't believe evil exists. They also don't believe doing good is an existential necessity. They feel accountable to nobody but themselves and will do whatever is necessary to satisfy their own desires.


The devil is roaming around like a lion seeking whom he can devour. This is a spiritual battle Sir and only God can help us ❤


“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn


You stand against it, as if there is no other option. The most difficult part is, discerning what is "Evil"; It's often disguised as some type good.


Evil hides in sheep’s clothing all around us.


I’ve been very passionate for the last 3 years about the history of the ideas that seem to be dissolving our logic and reason, and I have been blown away that most people don’t want to know. I’m to the point where I’m kindly asking good friends, “why is it you don’t want to have an understanding of this madness?”


As someone who was viscously bullied as a kid I was never afforded the option to not believe in Evil. It baffles me how naïve to the nature of reality that people can be. Its almost like a childish innocents that I don't dare trample on out spite what has happened to me.


Where did this man come from?
We need about 1 million more adults like him.


Seeing Jordan Peterson in person was like an ol' timey revival; what atmosphere!


Evil is everywhere but how you respond to it defines its magnitude of effect.


Doing nothing is how we found ourselves in this mess. Doing nothing is definitely not the solution.


The best description of evil is The Anti-human life. Evil always takes away honest work thought thief or destruction, it is oppression, subjugation, and distorting, it is the win-lose situation (which always ends up lose-lose). What ever prevents humans from living and flourishing in almost every culture is usually the bad or evil.


Our war is against evil, but it is a mental battle, not a physical one. We must overcome bitterness and resentment of others that would use us, betray us, or hurt us, whether intentionally or not. That is the battle and we can either play into the hands of evil or we can overcome it and keep our love in our hearts for people. Mercy is better than vengeance in God's Eye's. He says vengeance is His, so He expects us to obey that principle.


awareness is the first most powerful step to deal with problems, in case of evil, if youre unaware of evil deed you cannot do anything about it, not even correctly place potential solutions in your mind, not speaking of followup actions themselves


I’m convinced that evil exists and it’s more prevalent than ever in our society.


I think your box analogy is spot on. Attracting the demons of ideology. Nothing's worse than a zealot. Society must exist for people, not for a construct. This is where America's founding fathers got it right. Rights of the individual, inalienable.


This is why world history needs to be taught in schools. These are the lessons that kids will actually need to take with them once they exit the education system, not the naive inclusivity agenda.


Can’t wait for his next booktour. Last time I couldn’t afford a Meet and Greet ticket but next time I am definitely going to spend that money and shake his hand.


thank you jordan for sharing so much knowledge with us ♡
