I Wish More Monitors Came Like This

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Reviewing the new Eve / Dough Spectrum in Glossy. Seriously great monitor that has pretty much every feature you could want in a high end monitor. This glossy version in particular is really nice and it's great to see a glossy monitor, when the industry usually only provides matte displays. I'll be using it as part of my main gaming setup going forward.

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It's a fantastic monitor but the horror stories about this company seriously put me off


Now that the glossy version is $1, 099, it might be better for some of you to wait for these upcoming 27" 4K high refresh mini-LED monitors that should be around the same price or a bit higher. Yeah the waiting sucks but you're likely going to have to wait for this Eve/Dough monitor anyways.


I think the biggest thing is not having USB-C (powered) for most gaming monitors. Drives me insane because I use my monitor for gaming and work! This is what really appealed to me when i first saw the eve spectrum.


Nice monitor, would be great to see a long term video on using the glossy display pros cons and any eye strain.


I know the company is super sketchy but I absolutely love my Eve spectrum. Being able to have a great screen for a MacBook Pro that allows for 4K and promotion along with getting 4K 120hz with my series x is an amazing experience


Great video. The monitor looks amazing. I have heard it's great from those people that have actually received their monitor. I was happy that there was finally a company that was making a monitor that checked all/most of the boxes vs most monitors out there you have to see what multiple things you're going to compromise on.

I would recommend people wait until the company fixes their supply chain and R&D issues before purchasing one.

I ordered mine in November 2021, it was due to ship in April 2022. In late March / Early April they sent an email saying that they were having issues and that panel was still in If a product is stuck in R&D, that means you knew weeks if not months before that the April 2022 date was not feasible but they waited for the last minute to tell their customers. I asked for a refund and it never came. I followed up and they said it'll take a week...that week came and went and followed up again for them to tell me "we'll do it soon". Rinsed and repeated for ~2 months until I finally called AmEx to do a chargeback. The updated ETA for my panel was October 2022...who knows how much that will get pushed by.


I loved the song in the end of the video


Glossy is the way. Ive learned my lesson with matte coatings kills color saturation and clarity


This is a super long rant / discussion about Eve but I want to give a user experience dealing with Eve now known as Dough

I’m one of the few people who has an Eve Spectrum, I had been through a lot with them just like many about their horrible refund process (or lack their of… to the point I open a dispute rather than dealing with them after asking multiple times for a refund).

When I first heard of the Eve Spectrum it was like a dream come true, usb c + HDMI 2.1 ports and a design with little to no bezels. This works great with my use of macOS / usb c hardware and PS5 using VRR and 120hz without the ugly designs of gaming monitors and over the top RGB lights.

Buying experience: I ordered mine on august 2021 (I ordered standard), it is now November 2021 and they tell me they’ll ship it in January. Out of nowhere they now accept my request for a refund, even though I was willing two wait an extra two months at this point. It is now February 2022, I go back and see what other’s experience about Eve and I take a chance but this time order it with express shipping. By the way, the monitor price keeps increasing even though the tech should be devaluing and should be going down in price but it is whatever (for now). It is basically almost a repeat of before but $100 more expensive than August 2021. I decided to just buy one off from eBay, now I’m just waiting for a refund from them (opens another dispute as well, in case they don’t give it to me). This is the crazy part, after a couple of days with my eBay eve spectrum, Eve gives me the DHL tracking for my actual Spectrum and I couldn’t believe my eyes after seeing that email. I got rid of the first Spectrum since I rather have the one I got and on the back of the monitor it says it was manufactured January 2022 (I don’t know what difference, if any from the July 2021 models).

Things I like: the OSD (a bit confusing at first but very simple and passable), Software updates such as bringing VRR to ps5, split screen support between different port connection or mirroring same display (for some reason?, I don’t know why you would want to have the same screen twice). The king of ports, the spectrum truly has everything (2 HDMI 2.1 ports, 1 USB C up and 1 usb c for peripherals, 1 display port and even a USB B port, lol)

Things I dislike : Horrible communication from Eve now known as Dough, I feel bad for anyone still waiting for a refund. Also, the price increases as time goes on. These Spectrum’s keep getting more expensive as the months go by, and it’s crazy because I’ve heard that this is just a re-package of the LG 27GP950-B which is lowering in price (as old tech should be). I got rid of my LG 27GP950-B because I HATED the annoying RGB when turning on the monitor and the on screen display I thought was pretty horrible and over the top compared to the on screen display of something like the lG 32Ul950-W or their other less gamery monitors.

Other thoughts : I hope that my Spectrum never damages because I will have a hard time finding an equivalent monitor from any other brand or trying to deal with their support (which I hope isn’t as bad as their refund team.) I love the Spectrum because 27 inches is good enough for me and the little bezels all around truly does make it feel like it is a bigger size compared to my other 27 inch monitors. HDMI 2.1 for my ps5 and future consoles that can use HDMI 2.1

Final thoughts: I wish other brand took this type of gaming monitor concept of a 4k 144hz monitor with little bezels (no intrusive brand logos on bottom bezel), good OSD, decent price ($800, maybe?) with better support (hardware and software wise).

TLDR; I LOVE the fact that the Spectrum looks professional and can be used daily without the gamer design but is still a gaming capable monitor, dealing with Eve (Dough) is a pain when it comes to support or refunds. The prices need to be cheaper and not increasing as time goes on. Lastly, do your research and know what you're getting into when it comes to buying straight from Dough. I you can find one on eBay for a reasonable price, please do if it interests you before someone else does.


I'm sure they rebranded because of the past controversies surrounding them


The reason glossy monitors feel more premium and cleaner is because they don't diffuse light eminating from pixels. Mat monitors sactter light in all directions (that's why the don't reflect well). Lines, fonts and images appear less sharp on them.


First of all, this quality content is just jaw dropping, dude… What an image, what a photography, congrats on the channel.

Second, it's unbelievable that Apple is one of the only brands that make glossy monitors. Damn, I got so frustrated that Dell and other companies make this anti-reflective screen, it loses so much brightness and sharpness, I hate it. Glad to know that Eve/Dough is producing glossies too! Now I have to find out how to order one for Brazil, which is the country I live.

Thanks for the video! ;)


I wish we could get LG do offer glossy on their high end stuff. I want the new 32GQ950-B without the stand. I would pay $100 more for glossy on it.


I pre-ordered my base model Spectrum in July 2020. One month ago I upgraded my order to the 4k model because I was pretty sure I would never get that thing anyways. Now that eve is called Dough they actually canceled the wqhd 144hz they really are kinda weird so don't expect that thing to get to your front door as quick as if you ordered an alternative on Amazon....


Glossy screen reminds me of my 2009 HP laptop when glossy was just standard back then. Until some idiot realized that it’s probably good idea to degrade picture quality drastically by putting matte screen on it.And here we are.


Oliur: Finishes editing video
Eve: "Alright, Price of the brick going up."


Hey Oli - curious, what res do you run your 4k monitor in macOS? do you crank it up to native res, use Default, or one of the scaling options?


The name change is probably because EVE was getting so many chargebacks from credit card companies they basically got blacklisted. They owe so much money to customers they cheated from undelivered/broken devices. Check the forums for horror stories (although they delete most of them) and the subreddit.


Weird how eve charges more for the glossy version while apple charges more for the matte version. Fine by me tho, my studio display was expensive enough and the glossy display is honestly superior


For this specific monitor I think lots of people who paid for one years ago would just like for it to come out, period.
