Christians AFRAID to pronounce Prophet Muhammad's name CORRECTLY in Song of Solomon 5:16?

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Every Jew in Madina was anticipating an upcoming prophet. It was to their disappointment that the prophet who was actually sent was not an israelite. So, out of sheer envy, they refused to follow the prophet Muhammad ﷺ.


Even if truth is put in front of their eyes they wont see it


Its not the eyes that are blind but their hearts.


His name is indeed so sweet 😋 Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. Allah chose His Servant and he served Allah and proved who he was. Eid al Adha mubarak dear brothers and sisters!


A Guide how to be a christian preacher as illustrated by Dr Brown:
1- Be disingenious
2- insincere
3- be negative
4- be insulting even to God, to His words and prophets& even to your ownself
5- be insensetive
6- repeat the same false allegations, even though you were schooled& educated, and these were long refuted many times
7- waste others time, or just don't let anyone listen nor gain common sense logical information
8- be ignorent about your own scripture& religion
9- contradict your ownself
10- expose yourself with what ever negativity is afflicting you& occupying your heart and making you sad - expose the lusts/ greed& crimes you want to commit against others by accusing others of it& change their discussion about God/ His words& all that's good& positive, change that to your own illness& diseases!!


The Bani Israilian people of the book back then knew Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam like how a parents recognize their kids, but alas, He was born from ishmael descendant so they reject it, their pride of their lineage comes first before the truth. What a racist


☝لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله💚
Laa ilaha illallah Muhammadyur Rasulullah.... There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah...


Muhammad (Pbuh) is the Messenger of God regardless if it’s in the bible or not, this is unnecessary tbh


In Song of Solomon 5:16, the Hebrew text transliterates the name as "Mahamaddim" (מַחֲמַדִּים). However, it is important to note that this reference is not necessarily to the Prophet Muhammad specifically, but rather a term of endearment meaning "beloved" or "delightful."


Even if Muhammad is in Song of Solomon that’s a book of Love it has nothing to do with the revelation of a prophet coming.


The Song of Songs is about the love between a couple, where any Jewish person will confirm that the word "מַחֲמַדִּ֑ים" translates as “altogether desirable”:
‎חִכֹּו מַמְתַקִּים וְכֻלֹּו מַחֲמַדִּים זֶה דוֹדִי וְזֶה רֵעִי בְּנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃
"His mouth is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."

You have to see the context of the “prophecy”. The context of the poetic book, has nothing to do with the prophet. This statements are speculative and deceitful. Same is when Hebrew talks about sweetness of honey "נוּר" (nur) you, guys, who speak Arabic will be excited about the sweetness of light “نور”… not very wise. Bit of a stretch. .


I’m Jewish.
I know Hebrew.
The context of the verse has nothing to do with Muhammad.
Thank you


For crying out loud the word is Makhmadim and it means " Lovely " IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PROPHET MUHAMMED


: “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15).




The key takeaway from Song of Solomon 1:5-6 is that it does not matter what a woman looks like on the outside, for true beauty is not found in physical features, but rather moral character and purity.


There are three primary passages in the Bible that Muslims often point to as prophecies of the coming of Muhammad: Deuteronomy 18:15-22,  Song of Solomon 5:16, and John 16:5-11.

First, in regards to Deuteronomy 18:15-22, the immediate context of this passage refers back to verses 9-14. There Moses warns the people of the danger of false prophets. God’s people are to avoid any and all who presume to speak authoritatively about spiritual truth apart from God’s truth. What is God’s truth? Verse 15 says a particular prophet will arise from the Jews (i.e., “your own brothers”) who will be like Moses. Notice that it’s not just any prophet, as there have been many, but a special prophet. People who studied and believed the Old Testament writings were looking for this particular, special prophet. In fact, some Jewish leaders thought the fiery preacher John the Baptist might be the fulfillment of Moses’ prophecy (see John 1:19-30). John the Baptist, however, said that he was the forerunner of the prophet of whom Moses spoke, not the prophet Himself.

Who then is this prophet spoken of in the Bible? He is clearly none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:43-45 records that the early followers of Jesus understood He was the prophet of whom Moses wrote. Jesus Himself declared this about Himself (Luke 24:27). The most complete statement pointing to Jesus as the promised prophet is found in Acts 3:12-26. The deacon, Stephen, reiterated this in Acts 7:37. Such notable men as John the Baptist, Philip, Peter, and Stephen all testified that Jesus Christ, not Muhammad, is the prophet predicted in Deuteronomy 18:15-22.

Second, in Song of Solomon 5:16, the maiden says of her lover, "His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem." The word translated as "lovely" is the Hebrew word . It is the plural of , which means “lovely, cute, or desirable.” Although it is the root word of , it does not follow that the verse refers to Muhammad, especially since the word used is a plural adjective, not the name of a person.

Finally, in John 16:5-11, Jesus prophesies that after He leaves, the Counselor will come, and this Counselor will “convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). Who is this Counselor? Jesus Himself gives the answer a few verses later in John 16:13, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth…” Jesus explicitly identifies the Counselor as the Holy Spirit. Jesus previously had used very similar terminology to predict the coming of the Holy Spirit: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name…” (John 14:26). It is abundantly clear in the Bible that the Counselor Jesus prophesied was the Holy Spirit, not Muhammad.

In conclusion, the Bible nowhere specifically predicts the coming of Muhammad. Muhammad was not the prophet Moses predicted, and Muhammad was not the Counselor Jesus predicted. Since the message of Muhammad contradicts the message of Jesus and the Bible on many points, the only biblical prophecy that would apply to the coming of Muhammad would be Matthew 24:11, “And many false prophets will appear and deceive many people…”


We love him so much he suffered lots to deliver message of God ( mohamed peace be on him)


There is no doubt that the words sound similar.

But to draw a conclusion because of the similarity of words in different languages is illogical and baseless.

As a Hebrew speaker I tell you, the word is an adjective that describes plural, and within the context it describes God, it doesn't stand for itself..


May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, his family, and his followers.
