4 Reasons You're Waiting to Hear Back After a Job Interview & THE EMAIL TO FINALLY HEAR BACK!

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4 Reasons You're Waiting to Hear Back After a Job Interview & THE EMAIL TO FINALLY HEAR BACK! You're likely waiting to hear back from a job, and wondering what are the reasons you haven't heard back on your interview and the recruiter went silent. You'll learn why the recruiter never responded, and get a polite follow up email sample that gets companies to respond! Sending a follow up email after no response will help you to get the job offer or the next interview, and THIS template will get them to answer you!

For in depth advice on how to send a follow-up email after a job interview, check out this video:

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Work earnestly, speak kindly, act sincerely. :)

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Recruiters need to get some balls and just say that a position is closed or someone has already been hired instead of letting people just hang.


Ghosting is a real problem in the recruiting world. We recruiters HAVE to hold ourselves to better standards and communicate with candidates. If we're on hold or someone is out of town or the needs of the role are changing, a little transparent communication goes a very long way with candidates, who simply want to be--and deserve to be--in the loop.


A recruiter called me three times to apply for a job . I passed the first interview and she ask me when I will be available for the second interview and I never received her call. I called her send her two emails she totally ghosted me !
At least have the balls to tell me the truth especially when you’re the one that contacted me first


Remember - if they want you, they will find you no matter what. So if they go silent, they don’t want you. Best if you moved on quickly and on to the next.


This video should be titled, "Zero real reasons of why a recruiter Ghost you, but here's a bunch of excuses!" There's no real reason why they can't treat you like a human being! The recruiting & application system is very broken!!
I'm seriously thinking of creating a website where we can expose recruiters, agencies & HR departments. I think it's time recruiters & this industry get put back in check & get their "keys to the universe" revoked!!


I’ve been ghosted from different jobs in every stage of the interviewing process. I’ve been ghosted before the first interview (interviewer didn’t show up), after an assessment project, after second interview and even after a recruiter told me I got the job... all from different places. 🤪 Fun!


Have the dignity and self respect to walk away if they leave you twisting in the wind. If they don’t respect you during the interview process, imagine how they will be once you are working for them


Ghosting is a big problem..especially now during the pandemic. Companies need to respect people who are interviewing with them and their time as well. Having multiple interviews with a company, different departments, different management levels and when they invite you for a final interview and later cancel and just ghost you. That’s really hurtful because you invested so much time in that entire process, the least they can do is provide a proper answer instead of ghosting people like nothing happened.


Companies that do not get back to you in a timely manner are irresponsible. It shouldn't take eternity to get back to a candidate and let him/her know that the job is theirs.


Before recruiters were ghosting me but after many experiences when I see any red flag I just withdraw from the recruitment process. I did this twice when they were considering me a strong candidate. I didnt see the need for replying their mails asking me reason for the decision. Hiring manager was furious with the HR team because she knew that it was something related to HR team that changed my decision. HR team called me several times and CC ed the hiring managers in emails they sent ti me. I intentionally didnt reply because I didnt want to help the HR team. I treat everyone as they treat me. I dont care if I ruin their all recruitment process, they deserve it


I had an HR rep actually CALL to tell me that I did NOT get the job...blew my mind...and ticked me off because I thought they were calling to give me an offer.


I first applied in march, got a call for written test on july 11th. Then interview with 5 directors on july 17th. Since then no word from them it is now september 1st. These people have zero empathy.


I agree you should never give up your job search until you start the new job, but I have to say, as someone with a LOT of experience doing job searching over my career that a company that doesn't communicate with you is not only one that you don't want to work for, but one that you should warn your friends about. Sugarcoat it and excuse it all day long if it makes you feel better, but a company that doesn't keep you in the loop is NEVER one you really want to work for because there is no excuse for rudeness, and ghosting is the modern-day word for impolitely ignoring someone. It happens in dating and in the job search process (which are arguably similar), so don't waste your time with people who aren't as into you as you are them, and move along. Like in dating, there is always a slim chance that someone could change their mind about you, but how likely is it? In my experience I'd put it at less than 1%, maybe .1%. Job searching is super exhausting, so why waste your limited resources (time)?


Nothing is more annoying to me than not hearing back after an interview. I think if you take the time to interview, you should at least get an email stating that the position was filled. Then they wonder why if they reach out weeks later, the candidate already found another position.


Very unprofessional to ghost someone who has interviewed when they say they will move you forward/don;t say what they mean. No excuses. Plain rude and unprofessional


In my experience, it’s a good indicator of what’s under the hood if you’re not hearing back.

One offer I received after a period of silence led me to suspect decision paralysis - that the team really didn’t know what they’re looking for, or how to solve a problem - I felt confident I could contribute and remedy that, so I accepted. However, after I joined I saw how many issues there really were.

The company was sinking fast due to lawsuits from clients. They’d laid off an entire department recently, and within a month, they wanted to change my role to one that would focus solely on sales. Ultimately I had to walk.


90% of modern recruiters/hiring managers are lazy or incompetent. It takes a couple of seconds to send out an email thanking candidates for their time and wishing them luck. At this point in time candidates can give feed back on review forums like Google reviews, Indeed.. even Yelp. Be respectful yet honest and don't name individuals but let the world know that this company ghosted you and give them a negative review. It's funny a couple of years ago I read a negative review about a company ghosting a candidate but decided to interview with them anyway. Low and behold they did the same thing to me. I left them a negative review detailing my experience and YEARS later the CEO of the company replied to my post apologizing and asking if I would like to do another interview. I had already moved on but that is an example of holding companies accountable for bad behavior.


5:27 ..It worked!! The salary i negotiated and more have been added to me...Amazing!! Buying my car next week!


I had a really good impression of my interviewer. It went the other way after she ignored my follow-up email. Even though a company doesn't teach their staff to respond to candidates’ emails, as humans this is something that everyone should do in their own way.


I passed the third and last interview, they were happy and they told me that for sure I was going to hear from them, its been 2 weeks and still nothing, I have sent them an email and they havent respond yet 🙄 I understand that it takes time fot them to decide but I am not sure if I am interested anymore....
