Using a Roli Seaboard RISE to control monophonic instruments in WIVI

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You can automatically have ALL your new instruments have
the default pitchblende of +/- 12 or anything you like.

if you're an expert user. You need to use so
called "templates" in WIVI. These are simple text files that
set/export/import parameters from instruments, using the "EXPORT" and
"RUN" buttons on the top of the interface.

instruments folder, this will always be applied to any new instrument
as a template. Easiest would be to export a file from one of your
instruments, locate the lines controlling the pitch bend, and copy
The same file can be used to override any settings. If things work
out, you could simply include this template file with the tutorial for
anyone to use, simply by asking the user to put the file in their
instruments folder.


Thanks to Arne Wallander from Wallander Instruments for this great advice

All footage is the property of James Clark
©2016 Dory Video/James Clark

Рекомендации по теме

I'm not able to get SM brass to pitch bend to 12, have you any experience with that?

I'm considering picking up wivi if I cant
