War Thunder is a community problem!

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I no longer go anywhere near top tier since that laser rangefinder update... Because of the constant events I've been hiding in Rank 2 and having a great time. I've been really enjoying the challenge of the 1.3 French lineup


"point, click, shoot". Yeah, that's higher tier. In my opinion, the higher the BR, the more the game becomes a point-and-click game.
The thing is, it kinda looks like you're only focusing on high(er) tier tanks. If you only talk about high tier then you're just straight-up pretending like there are no issues with low tier.

Also, when it comes to playing AA in ground battles. Yeah, why would you? That's mostly Gaijin's fault. It's Gaijin who made changes so that kills on planes during ground matches only give 50% of the usual RP. That's essentially telling players to not play AA, or only play AA that can kill tanks.

In regards to camping, that's behavior indirectly encouraged by Gaijin. If you make a game that's terribly grindy, where your RP and SL gain is mostly based on a player's KD ratio then you should expect people to act like scumbags. In my opinion, a lot of the community issues and toxicity come from Gaijin (indirectly) encouraging it. That's not to say that the community has no fault here, but it is creating a vicious cycle where Gaijin causes an increase in toxicity, that toxicity then turns on the devs and as a result, devs don't want to listen to the community because it's so toxic.
Again, just my opinion.


on top tier you will allways have point and click unless the increse armor to a unrealistic level or decrese pen

one way to fix this would by to make the map bigger its harder to hit weakspots then at 2000m plus


I believe that if you just play war thunder, then you're more likely to get more and more annoyed or angry, but if you play other games as well to essentially reset the timer or whatever you would like to call it, meaning that you dont end up ever increasing the negative effects brought on by war thunder. Yes war thunder isn't fixed, nor i believe it will ever be, but take it as it is, one of a kind and something that can be entertaining. Try it, next time you feel like you've had enough, i.e. leaving a match after a single death, close down war thunder and open another game, even for only half an hour.


the issue with cas is not that aa is to bad vs them the issue is that when u are in a tank and get yeeted by a missle theres nothing u can do it has nothing to do with ur own skill its just frustrating that theres nothing u can do vs it


I love these kinds of videos man! The topic is serious of course, but I just really like hearing you talk, especially about these kinds of topics.
Yeah I agree that the content the community demands changes Warthunder in a negative way, more kids play, kids with less patience and who are less eager to actually learn something. They see a tank, not knowing what it is or where they should aim to hit critical components, they just point and click and boom, tank is dead. It's so sad to see how the community destroys warthunder. Hopefully they'll change for the better.


Gaijin is turning top tier into DumbThunder ... fast vehicles, stabilization so you can fire on the move and hit reliably, extremely fast shells so that you don't have to care about ballistics or shell drop, laser rangefinger that now works as single-axis aimbot and takes vertical aiming almost completely out of the equation, thermals that make spotting incredibly easy and cover pretty much irrelevant, guided missiles that you can aim just by looking at target, radar guided SPAA that not only shows you firing solution but tracks the target automatically, guided missiles in air battles that allow you to completely ignore dogfight maneuvering and gun aiming and get kills just by getting into roughly reasonable position and shitting out a missile at target, bullpup/nord ATGMs that allow you to frag ground targets with crazy high precision at ridiculous ranges

no, these aren't instant "I win" buttons, but all these mechanics are there so that even the most incompetent players can easily get a few kills and feel good about themselves. On lower tiers player needs to at least somewhat work for the kills ... but if he fails forward long enough he'll reach the top tiers where the game basically plays itself. And of course Gaijin very much hopes that as many players as possible take the credit card shortcut to this promised land of incompetence.


I only play top tier jets and I can confirm that there is no skill, Most enemies I come across do stupid things or don't pay attention, but I cant blame them because there are no good tutorials for top tier jet combat. It does upset me how every time there is speculation or hype for a new update everyone forgets the problems the game has, and honestly Im never excited for new vehicles anymore because not only will it take me ages to get it, when they are released its always an imbalanced mess like F5E and MiG23M.

Another thing is because maps are so small, top tier jet combat is random, and getting good at something inconsistent isn't possible and the game rewards you more for space climbing and camping than getting 5 kills. Every single economy change or "RP calculation formula changes" always favors scummy tactics over skill.


Nothing better than a heavy tank brawl, no point and click with fancy rounds just shooting weakspots and moving around


I mean I’d be negative if they refused to add good shit to my country too


In truth, I found this to be far more "Ranty" than anything else, very little constructive criticism.

The Top Tier premium is an issue, that is one of the few points I agree with. As for the rest, I don't believe Top Tier tanking is simple, not requiring skill. Top tier is the culmination of all the previous skills acquired, map knowledge, proper shot placement, situational awareness, etc. And not to forget to mention, Tank warfare, including many modern doctrines require an accurate first shot, making said first shot the fatal one. Because if you don't, the following shot from your opponent might be your end. And that holds very true in top tier.

So in short, I can agree with the frustration, however I believe that is all this is.


I’m not a new player but neither am I past rank 3 so great vid and I will definitely take all that you said into consideration next time I jump into tank RB👍


I need to agree with the ideas in this video, but the CAS, in my opinion at low tier (under 8.0) is a problem, I had very good matches in my kv-1 zis 5 without camping, just pushing and killing everything in my face and then a guy with a plane decides to drop everything he has on me, it is just disappointing, I can't even get mad most of the time I just say, ,eh, this is war thunder". You are right about top tier, now if I only spawn in a heli and lift 10 m I get vibe checked by a FlaRakRad, at top tier is almost impossible to CAS.


i agree with everything you said iv been playing warthunder for a year now and iv had fun grinding all the way to rank 6 russia, it really was fun and is still it just depends on what kind of expectations you have for a game that is 9 years old, i dont ask anything from gaijin just be happy with what they give and just complain on what they did wrong, its simple dont expect anything you ask to allways be fullfilled its really not that simple you hate CAs at top tier use a SPAA thye have radars and if your not having fun stop playing for a while and think about how you feel .


honestly the battlepass challanges are extremly easy wich is nice u dont have to go out of ur way to do them and the summer event challanges are easy imo aswell just they take long i have all of the pilot and tank stars done so far despite not having aces to the market i still get the vehicles


i completely agree with you. oh yeah one thing: do you not spend your crew points or what? because i've grinded to 7.7 russia and i have around 65 crew points on average. really surprised that i have more screw points than silent lmao


I believe gaijin should lock premium vehicles over 1 rank and above and lower high rank repair costs.


I blame gajin for putting the su11 at 7.0 but i agree with you other than that


Point, click, shoot is also the natural progression of military technology. What's wrong about it it's how its implemented in the game. We need new game modes that translate a realistic combat experience for more modern stuff. Throwing 24 planes or something into a team death match isn't how actual cold war combat went down.


Now this is quality content :>>> Keep up the good work. Sub to Silent or COPE Btw I didn't realise I was inside your game with the bmp-2m in at 1:00 minute mark
