GDB Tutorial for Reverse Engineers: Breakpoints, Modifying Memory and Printing its Contents
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GDB is THE debugger for reverse engineering Linux programs. But it can be quite hard to grasp. Also, GDB is better with plugins. In this tutorial, I'll show you GDB as well as PEDA basics for reverse engineering: starting program, breakpoints, modifying registers and memory, and printing memory contents.
Happy hacking!
Table of Contents
0:00 Intro
0:42 Installing GDB and PEDA
1:12 Our Debugging Target
1:53 Loading a File in GDB
2:22 Breakpoints
3:21 Single-stepping
4:19 Modifying Registers
6:06 Modifying Memory
7:34 Examining Memory
8:38 Final Thoughts
9:24 Outtakes
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