Trump's Unseen Impact on NATO and Ukraine

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The future of NATO and Ukraine under Trump, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting, XI's competition with Russia, and Z poetry is Plagiarized directly from Germany in the 1940s.

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Just to be clear, that 2% of GDP is supposed to be spent on member country's own defence budget. Not handed over to Nato budget. Its not a membership fee.

But it is true that Europe needs to wake up. To some degree we have already woken up. But you would hope more urgent action. Especially clamping down Russian influence.


Well I hope Europe invests in EU defence industries rather than pouring money into the US defence industries.


To put some water into the wine: Ukraine's NATO membership isn't that crucial. At least not for the time being. What actually matters is: does Ukraine get all the stuff it needs to drive russians out of the country? While that gets better over time, there's still a lot open.


3:52 The US spending of $860 bln is not just for NATO but for the whole US military.


US attempted to be isolationist before both world wrs. It didnt work out too well for any one


Seems everyone is falling For King Trumps BS


Getting NATO countries to pull their weight, financially and in terms of ground troops is good, but rewarding Putin's crimes would be madness.


Makes you wonder why Ukraine has felt abandoned so many times since the war started


Isolationism would kill the US empire. American's don't understand that a lot of the benefits they get are from Europe, Japan, and South Korea give the US so much weigh not because they are in awe at how great they are but because the US is commited to their safety and prosperity. It is win-win, not charity. When they turned their backs on Saudi Arabia in terms of defense commitments, we see the Saudi's pivot to China, who welcomes them with open arms.

Isolanionism was one of the reasons Japan grew so weak, why China grew so weak. US' strength is not its economy or its military, it is its alliances. US isolating itself would only create a hole that Russia and China are desperate to fill.


From europe here i totally agree that Europe doesn't pull its weight. So i'm all for Europe doing more in that regard. What Americanes don't seem to understand is that they also get a lot in return. When Europe can defend itself that will be the end of the US as an uber superpower. And that will also mean the econamicle decline of the USA.

And its not Trump but the war in Ukraine that has waken up Europe Trump might have given it a certaine extra incentive


Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons because we promised to support them if they were attacked. I totally support Ukraine joining NATO and question why the US and Germany veto this move.


It makes sense that Russia and China produces more artillery than nato and the US since both are a artillery heavy army. NATO and the US don’t do set piece wars, they are a lighting fast army that relies on deep penetration strikes using precision weapons which is the polar opposite of the Chinese and Russian armies.


Ukraine literally can't join NATO until the war is over and Russia is completely off Ukrainian soil and not attacking it. Joining NATO is not supposed to be easy, because it's literally impossible to revoke membership. There's no mechanism for it in the treaty. That's NATO 101 (stuff I learned at NSO - NATO School - Oberammergau).


You guys should make sure trump stays away from office.


Most of the US citizens pick a country in EU and says look how little they give. But take one state out of the US and ask them to give as much as the entire US... we are so impractical and suck at math. There are countries in the EU that give more than the US if you make it relative


Now, the 3.5% or 860 billion the USA is spending is the total military spending, which includes stuff in ths Pacific and elsewhere, i.e. outside of NATO. The European partners, except maybe France only have NATO. This puts the 3.5% into perspective. While I absolutely agree with that the European countries need to step up, and increase our spending. But USA, if you want to stay the worlds friendly hegemon, which you are, the cost is more engagement in the world. You profit immensely from your role, both economically and culturally. It is a little like someone keeping fish from Lake Malawi, one of those will be the boss of the fish tank, and at current this is the role of the USA. If the USA follows Trump's alledged route, and Russia wins in Ukraine and subsequently gets more influential in Europe, maybe by getting NATO weakened or even destroyed, with Russia itself becoming the lackey of China, this will crush the role of the USA. The USA will loose a lot of influence, i.e. the basis of its economic and cultural prowess. The pax Americana will turn into the Pax Russo Chinensis.


stopping the expansion of NATO is giving Putin what he wants what happens to other countries that want to join we want to stop new countries from NATO but we allow Russia in the UN with a veto vote both Putin and trump deserve each other


Dont forget:
Trump paid almost 100'000 USD for full page adds in 3 main US newspapers, a critique of US foreign politics, especially on NATO.
Thats was in 1987, shortly after his first trip to Moscow.


Let's be real, the U.S. spending on NATO isn't just a "favor" to Europe. As a superpower, the U.S. needs those bases in Europe to project its power globally. It's about maintaining influence and being able to respond quickly to threats anywhere. Plus, Europe is America's biggest ally. Stability in Europe is essential, especially with Russia and China in the picture. If Europe falls apart, the U.S. loses a major partner. So, it's in America's own interest to keep NATO strong and well-funded.


At one point on the call, Trump told Raffensperger, "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11, 780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state."
