What did John MacArthur say?

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I know John MacArthur has a lot of fans. Heck, I used to be one. But sadly, John MacArthur is a pharisee... or worse. By the way, I listened to this man's sermons for years. So don't tell me I don't know him. I read his books. I trusted him. During that time I was the most miserable I had ever been spiritually in my life. The fruits he caused to bear in my life were fear, doubt, anxiety, worry, and exasperation. Thank God I turned away from it. Now I am trying to reach others. I know, he's right on some things. A broken clock is right twice a day. But he is so very wrong on some really important doctrines. Ones we CANNOT compromise on.

TULIP = Man-made religion.

Lifestyle salvation is HERESY!

By the way, here is the video by Alana L that John wants to silence...

Here is another good source I can HIGHLY recommend!
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Im a born again christian and have listened to John MacArthur for a few years on and off and have benefited from his talks. Most information comes from reading the Book and the Holy Spirit. I have never heard him teach anything but the Good News. He is very firm.
Always sad when christians fight. Remember none of us are perfect.


Man looks on the outside, but God sees the heart. It seems a bit ridiculous to me that you are comfortable judging the entirety of a man on four or five sentences… Even if John is overly arrogant, I don’t think anyone could say he is a false teacher.


John McArthur said he's in the right and everybody else is in the wrong ..


50 years studying, and he's still wrong.


" Let him who glories, glory in the LORD.." Paul referred to the untrackable riches in Christ, NOBODY knows the true depth of the WORD!!! Or, as Paul also wrote, " ..we see through a glass darkly.." He should remember, " Pride goes before a fall.."


Agree, TULIP is Man-made religion, not comply with Bible.


At least he can back it up. You are wrong.


What criteria did John MacArthur meet in order to be chosen by God for salvation?


Interesting how the Mcarthur idol worshipers defend there idol. The same man who says;
You can take the mark of the beast and still get saved. Yeah if you believe in irresistible grace, that might influence your thinking even to omit Rev. 14:11 yeah he has rightly devided the word of truth.


Took every text of the bible and PUT DOCTRINE INTO THAT TEXT. Isn't that backwards? Shouldn't you start with the text and develop a doctrine from that?


I invite everyone who disagrees with Calvinist principles to give your disagreements here and support them with Scripture. I will consider your views if you can support them with Bible truth.


Sorry Mac, it’s not for you to tell people to be quiet. Who made you a spiritual authority over people. Nothing but arrogance and pride


Well, if one can interpret the bible themselves, no one is wrong...


Second Corinthians 9:13 Thanks be to God for His unspeakable GIFT. ETERNAL LIFE. John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. How much easier can it get? John MacArthur believes you can earn a free gift. A GIFT cannot be earned. We can only receive the free gift that was paid in full by Jesus one blood sacrifice for our sin debt. John 3:18.

He makes the cross of no effect and believes we can save ourselves.


Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven. This is the work of God to believe on the one he has sent


John it's not too late, follow Scripture and eat some humble pie, Confession. Then fortify real presence Eucharist.

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My goodness, he didn’t do anything wrong, you are an Armenian, just because you label someone, doesn’t mean, he’s wrong, read you Bible and everything he preaches is from the word of God. name some things he has stated that go contrary to God’s word. I suppose those that disagreed with Jesus, like the pharassies, require us to defend them? do you see the nonsense you just posted here? Please


I’m waiting for the cult like followers of Calvinism to show up and start the verbal onslaught of…”don’t touch God’s anointed…” or “…how dare you oppose Calvinism…” I’ll just wait and see when they show up!!! Great video. Thanks!!!


He said he has been reading and practicing for 50 years and experimented the entire time. He didn't call her stupid either. He called her out for less mature thoughts. Back biting is ruled out in the bible. Focus more on delivering salvation to people and less to this back biting crap. Move On


You’re standing on John’s shoulders to make yourself look bigger. For shame
