Multiple Sclerosis Pain syndrome: What is MS Hug?

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Multiple Sclerosis Pain syndrome: What is MS Hug?

In this video I teach you about a unique pain syndrome in multiple sclerosis called the "MS HUG". I review what causes Multiple Sclerosis Hug, how it presents clinically, what other conditions it might be confused with, and how to treat it! if you want to learn about MS Hug start watching now!

If you've experienced MS hug, please share in comments below how you best described it to others. If you were treated for MS hug, please share what worked and didn't work for you. I'd love to hear from you!

Learn about MS with Aaron Boster MD! I started my channel to help my own MS patients learn between clinic visits. I use easy-to-understand language to provide accurate and approachable Multiple Sclerosis education. So, if you’re impacted by MS and want to up your game, make sure to subscribe to my channel right now!



These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos.
Рекомендации по теме

Hello Dr. Boster. I used to suffer from MS hugs all the time almost on a daily basis. But since I take 20 mg of baclofen once in the morning and once in the evening that is helped greatly with a combination I do yoga almost on a daily basis which stretches my back, spinal, neck and legs. I have learned how to relax by breathing while I stretch and have become much much more flexible in my muscles. I believe with the combination of the two it has decreased my MS hug’s dramatically where I may get MS hug now once maybe twice in a month. And when I do get one if laying down does not help after stretching then I take a .5 mg Xanax to help relax the muscles it doesn’t make me sleepy but it does help with the pain and relaxes the muscles.


It feels like a corset and someone's mad at me lacing it up tighter and tighter .


My neurologist told me my pain isn’t an MS hug as it’s not permanent so it can’t be that. I’m grateful you have said it can be intermittent. Thank you 🧡


Feels like I can’t breathe and someone is squeezing my lungs.


This has been happening to me for a few years now. I am in the process of MS diagnosis and am just now realizing that this pain I have been experiencing is related to MS. I get this feeling like I am wearing a tight corset. I can't breathe, or it hurts to breathe. I have to gasp for air because it feels like my ribcage is preventing my lungs from expanding. People have confused it with anxiety attack, heart attack, and asthma attack. I now realize that it is called MS hug.


Dr. Boster, I have MS since 4/2001.
It's a daily battle but I'm managing it quite okay.
Your videos are extremely helpful. I wish my MS treating physician would discuss MS like you do via your channel. Once again, thank you


I suffer from MS hug constantly! It is so severe, it can actually be seen, when the muscles contract!


I was diagnosed with MS a few months ago, and I’ve been recently getting MS hugs. I’ve been getting them about every day for 3-4 weeks now. The best way I can describe the feeling is my organs being constricted. And it’s honestly terrifying. It’s a horrible pain that I get in short intervals, sometimes at work, and I’m a server, so it makes my job a bit more difficult. It’s very frustrating lol


I’ve been diagnosed this weekend and I’m experiencing the “MS Hug” right now. Feels like a compression sock or a too tight corset where I can’t breathe down into my diaphragm. Thank you for your recommendations on dealing with it, now I have something I can bring up to my doctors


During an MS Hug, I feel an extremely intense squeezing of my chest and being in a vise. It is scary painful. And I have heart and lung disease as well. So the first time I had an MS Hug, I did think as though I might be having a heart attack. I haven’t had an attack for about 3 months. And so very grateful for that!
Thank you for the educational videos, I’ve learned more from you than I have from my neurologist, and I was diagnosed in 2015.


I have 3 scenarios which trigger MS Hugs: picking a golf ball out of the hole with my left hand, doing my shoe laces up and measuring on one knee between bowls in grass bowls match.
It is a sharp stab to my heart which takes my breath away (stops in shock), cramps up my left rib cage up under the arm and some of my upper arm ... its like i have been turned in to concrete and then i have to breathe and wait for it to "drain off".
It can be worrying and puts you on edge not to move in a similar way again that day.
It took me 6 years to get an explanation as to what it was.


When the hug is particularly bad (I am not on any medication) I sit in a good solid chair. I spend a moment getting as relaxed as I can. I then raise one arm up straight beside me (reaching for the ceiling if you will). I let it sort of stretch my body on that side. I inhale slowly and bend to the other side. I go as deep as I can stand it and hold for a few seconds. I then exhale as I straighten up again, I drop my arm and relax and then do the other side. I repeat 3 or 4 times per side. It doesn't stop it but it does seem to ease the tightness. Just passing this along. Just move slowly and gently. Allowing the muscles to sort of get the idea if you will. No hard stretching and no quick moves. Slowly, allowing time for the body to follow along.


Good afternoon Dr. Boster...I have experienced the MS Hug for the past 11 years and it is becoming increasingly more painful; a constant burning around my torso and more cramping in my abdominal area.

I have learned so much from your outstanding educational videos that it prompted me to set up a telemedicine appointment with you next week as a new patient. I’m really looking forward to working with you to effectively tackle this awful symptom as I am currently not taking any pain medication.


With this pain I had suffered so alone I didn’t even know how to explain to it people ! But now I feel relieved that it is something that happens to many people and it has a name!
Thank you 🙏
I learned a lot today


Thank you for posting this video Dr Boster. I was so excited to see it. I’ve been having bad MS hugs every month for over a year. There was a change last month, instead of having them every day for 14 or so days I just had them 1 day but it was really bad and I had to go to hospital. The main thing I’ve done differently is exercises with The MS Gym and I think that’s what has helped me. I would describe MS hugs as: It starts as a stabbing pain first in the back then moves round to the abs, then the squeezing starts, it’s hard to breathe, my body seems to swell up, I want to vomit, faint, gasp for air and writhe around on the floor in agony all at the same time. Sometimes it lasts about an hour and sometimes all day. Thank you Dr Boster, I really appreciate your video. Also after watching your video on water I’ve increased how much I drink and feel a lot better. I’m extremely grateful for all your videos.


I developed the MS hug sometime in the last 7 years. I started Ocrevus 6 years ago. About 3 years ago, it went away! This may explain why!: I had a 3T MRI done (at my request at a diff. UC ‘cause I wanted to compare to the 1T). The scan last month showed: “The prev. noted add’l lesions at C3 & C7 are not well appreciated on the current study.” 😅 I’m so happy about that! Note: My first T3 showed >20 lesions “scattered throughout juxtacortical, periventricular, and infratentorial brain.” Terrified with the number, but Neuro said the concern is how I present clinically. I’m still trying to understand why “moderate lesion burden” is less important than my clinical exam. I wish I could take a course about the biology of MS.


I went to the ER because I thought I have have a heart attack. Thankfully it wasn’t. That’s when they mentioned MS Hug. I’ve been doing ‘bedtime yoga’ every night since and feel amazing. No hug for a long time. 💕


I have had M.S. for almost 50 years. (age 15 now 64) About 3 months ago It felt like a belt being tightened around my chest that lasted about 10 hours. I didn't know what it was, I thought I was dying. I was so happy to find this video as I never heard of this before. This happened once and I hope it never happens again. Thank You, I am learning so much from your videos.


Thank you for educating us about this symptom. I was diagnosed with MS since 2009 and my ms is keeping my life exciting with new symptoms every time. MS hug is one of them. Like many of you I have been to the ER multiple times thinking i was having a heart attack. That is until I found this information about MS hug. Keep those video coming we appreciate getting the information from you. Thanks a bunch.


This seems to be me lately. All day and all night. It squeezes my intestines, stomach, and esophagus making it so hard to breathe, swallow, eat, and sleep. My entire insides feel like they’re being crushed and my rib cage feels like it can’t expand enough to get air in. It’s so painful. I have Lyme disease. Never been told I have MS and this is the first I have had someone say exactly what I am feeling. So thank you. I feel like all my symptoms are so random and rare. Every where I go everyone says they never heard of that symptom. I am so sick of always being different that no one understands what’s wrong with me. Thank you so much for sharing this. I literally was relieved to hear I wasn’t the only one enduring this brutal hardship. Even though I wouldn’t wish this on another. It’s brutal.
