DIY- Have a More Comfy and Breathable Mask by Making an Insert!
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All you need is a plastic milk or water jug and a pair of good scissors and once you put it on, you will love how the mask doesn't suck in onto your nose or mouth when you take a deep breath. Easy to make. Feels totally fine on your face. Cost? Nothing... recycled materials. Positive feelings while wearing a mask and being a good citizen? Priceless. :)
Practice Loving Kindness every moment of every day... pass it on.
1. Cut an oval piece 4-5 inch long from a flat part on the jug
2. Bend two lines lengthwise
3. Cut each line with strong scissors
4. Trim to make the lines into windows
5. Trim any sharp points off
6. Bend the oval in half. Then end to make creases every quarter inch or so. This is how you create the dome.
7. On both ends, bend the plastic the other way. This will make the feet of the mask that rests on your cheeks.
Practice Loving Kindness every moment of every day... pass it on.
1. Cut an oval piece 4-5 inch long from a flat part on the jug
2. Bend two lines lengthwise
3. Cut each line with strong scissors
4. Trim to make the lines into windows
5. Trim any sharp points off
6. Bend the oval in half. Then end to make creases every quarter inch or so. This is how you create the dome.
7. On both ends, bend the plastic the other way. This will make the feet of the mask that rests on your cheeks.