Windu vs Palpatine scene FIXED (Palpatine's real fight speed)

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In this video I tried to fix some possible mistakes that George Lucas may have made when creating this scene.
Palpatine is supposed to kill the 3 Jedi Masters lightning fast, but his fighting style turned out to be slower than it should have been. I fixed that sequence and other things (like the ending of the scene).

I hope you enjoy this video! It would be great to hear some opinions about it ;)

--Thanks for watching--
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In this video I tried to fix some possible mistakes that George Lucas may have made when creating this scene.
Palpatine is supposed to kill the 3 Jedi Masters lightning fast, but his fighting style turned out to be slower than it should have been. I fixed that sequence and other things (like the ending of the scene).

I hope you enjoy this video! It would be great to hear some opinions about it ;)


funny thing is this scene is already sped up in the original because the actor couldnt really fight that fast


Anakin said when he walked into the room he just saw flashes of red and purple light, imagine it in that speed.


For some reason I was actually expecting this to be a total meme and making Palpatine very *slowly* cutting through the Jedi Masters XD


In the novel, Palps speedblitzed the Masters, but he let Mace live because he wanted Anakin to have to betray someone he had a connection to in order to cement his commitment to the dark side and make the betrayal more powerful. Without realizing it, he allowed Mace to slip into his self-created "Vaapad" fighting style which allowed him to channel Palpatine's own darkness and fight as fast as him, which actually put Palpatine in danger and was not what he planned at all.


Just fast enough to make him seem more powerful, but not so fast that it feels too edited or too difficult to follow.

My friend sitting next to me also wants me to say that he liked the extra Sith scream added during the fight because it indirectly makes Mace Windu seem stronger because it doesn't work on him the way it did on the other hapless Jedi.


No "It's treason, then"? It's treason, then.


That’s what I love about palpatine, his speed is what makes him such a powerful foe in a lightsaber duel


The Revenge of the Sith novelization told that as Anakin entered Palpatine's quarters, all he could see is just bright flashes of light due to how fast Mace and Sidious were moving.


At 0:38
That's what I was expecting when I watched to movie.

Really well done.


"Anakin! The editors are taking over!"


So much better, this is propably most clumsy and akward fight in prequels, your edition makes him and Mace Windu look more Powerful and it's good (and acctualy both Mace and Palpatine moved so fast that you could only see a blur and lighsaber clashes)


Thank you so much for fixing this. This has been a huge problem. People who don’t know the novelization don’t understand that there was a screw up in the editing process for this scene. They were still working on Anakin vs obi-Wan and unfortunately this slipped past George Lucas. I’m sure that George is so analytical about it that he doesn’t even notice the timing being slower than it was supposed to be. I was just trying to defend Mace Windu on a poll. Sadly due to this production error during the release of Revenge of the Sith, people don’t understand how incredibly fast this was. Palpatine killed 3 Jedi Masters in under 30 seconds. Thank you for editing this to show what actually happened


It's a shame that Ian McDiarmid absolutely hated filming this scene, but I can understand why. He thought he was too old to film an action sequence, and he didn't really like the fact that Palpatine used a lightsaber at all. In ROTJ Palpatine treats lightsabers like they're totally insignificant Jedi toys, so it doesn't really make sense that he'd have one. In an earlier version of this scene, Palpatine actually uses Anakin's lightsaber instead, in fact you can still see the iconic hilt in some shots.


Fun fact: Samuel L. Jackson is only four years younger than Ian McDiarmid


Well, the ROTS novel says that he and Windu seemed to be fading in and out of existence, so I can approve it.


say what you will about the Prequels, you can’t argue that Ian McDiarmid is having a LOT of fun playing Palpatine, especially in this scene


The first 10 seconds of the fight looked way more natural here


Absolutely terrific video. When I rewatch _Revenge of the Sith, _ *this* is what I will watch for the Sidious vs Jedi Council duel.

From the perspective of a martial artist, I have always appreciated how Darth Sidious took Jedi Masters Kolar and Tinn with a single blow, and Jedi Master Fisto after 3 or 4.

I *especially* like that Jedi Master Fisto in this version is taken out with a *single* blow.

In martial arts, most duels between masters take less than 10 seconds. If it goes over 10 seconds, then they are rivals in skill. Yes, Jedi have precognition that would allow the less skilled combatant an extra parry or two. But most lightsaber duels should be *strike, parry, strike, DONE.*

When Darth Vader slaughtered Jedi at the Temple, I expect it looked something like his scene on Mustafar with the Separatist Council. I fully expect _Revenge of the Sith_ Darth Vader to one-shot all non-Council Jedi Masters, and half of the members of the Council. Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, and maybe Ki-Adi Mundi could last a few strikes against Vader, then *slash, DEAD.*

And if that’s what I expect out of Vader, I expect that doubly from Darth Sidious.


The instant cut to Palpatine shooting lighting after Mace loses his hand is such a small yet amazing change. Improves the scene so much
