GT Sport vs Forza Motorsport 7 vs Project Cars 2 : expert group test

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There's no point in trying to argue which is better. Just be grateful we have a wide selection of good racing games to choose from.


expert group...

"I like a game I can just pick up and play"


With the last patch PC2 feels a lot better on a controller. But it really depends on what you are looking for I think.

If you want a single-player sim buy PC2.
If you want a good online experience GTS is probably your best pick.
If you enjoy the car collecting and modding aspect Forza is a no-brainer.

My personal pick is PC2 and I think it has the best track selection by far.


"Let's rank them for realism"

Racing driver: *puts Project Cars 1st*
Journalist: "I'm more of a pick and go racer so Project Cars is last"

Huh? Are you ranking them for realism or just whether or not you like realism?!

"Expert review"


I have All three, Forza is Last because it doesn't have A Penalty System for Online Racing which makes the experience chaotic.

#1 Project CARS2
#2 GT Sport
#3 Forza Motorsport 7


that just reflects the overall response to these games. Racecar drivers/serious car drivers love pcars2, while gamers love GT Sport and Forza 7. I've seen this many times in debates and reviews. People who race on trackdays or in official races always choose pcars2 over the other ones. That's no surprise, since there were around 14 professional race drivers (and probably many more hobby racers) from many disciplines involved in pcars2 (no not only The Stig and Nic Hamilton, who you always see in interviews).


Usually there is a ton of customization and uniqueness between cars in GT games. When you take off the aids and smartly tune your car, you can really dial it in. Depends on the challenge you want I guess. GT for me.


Experts? I saw one expert, and two console fans putting their preferred choice above realism.
For more that I am a PlayStation fan now and was a Xbox fan last gen, when it comes to realism when driving, project cars and Assetto are on top of this chain on consoles.

Now discussing the game side of all the three, then I think graphics, menus, online play, all that will give you a different overall winner.

But realism on track, project cars and Assetto. That's it.


Racing online??
Then gt sport is the clear winner.
Forza has the best single player campaign but online is crap with plenty of people smashing you off every chance they get.
PCars 2 is also really good but good set up knowledge is just as important as racing skill.

GT Sport forces online racing with the same set ups and automatically applied balance of performance to each car.
It also has a good (though not perfect) penalty system, which helps to penalise idiots.
This game has really surprised me, it's far better than I thought and you get a free update every month, which includes a new track and several new cars.
At the moment it's on sale for under £18 and is a no brainer.
Just a single track and car will cost you more than that on iRenting, lol :)

Btw, I own all of these games, GT Sport on ps4 pro, Forza 7 on PC and P Cars 2 on PC and PS4 so I have no axe to grind and don't favour one platform over another.

If you want to check out some online racing try SuperGT on youtube.
He races both GT Sport and Forza 7 online.
After watching a couple of Forza races you'll soon realise that it's a waste of time for online racing, which is a real pity :(


GT Sport won this test for those that are wondering.

The first guy voted 1.) PCars 2, 2.) GT Sport, 3.) Forza 7
The second guy voted 1.) Forza 7, 2.) GT Sport, 3.) PCars 2
The third guy voted 1.) GT Sport 2.) Forza 7 3.) PCars 2

Final points: 1.) GT Sport with 7 points. 2.) Forza 7 with 6 points. 3.) PCars 2 with 5 points.


1 GT Sport
2 Project Cars 2
3 Forza MS 7.
But I'd say it's a tie between all 3 and Assetto Corsa. I'm just glad that we have so many great racing simulators these days. Not so long ago it was slim pickings when it came to racing simulators. It used to be either great graphics OR realistic physics.


1st project cars 2
2nd gt sport
3rd Forza 7
My opinions


I agree with the racer on feel, but the others are right to say PC2 needs time spent to tweak settings for your wheel, car by car. It’s annoying at first but now it’s actually fun. There are presets which are helpful.


I like how he says he can feel everything through the 458 spider wheel that has no force feedback


The driver's opinion is the right..Gran turismo and forza is not sim, Project cars is sim


If you just wanna play a video game and master any and every car with little to no effort, sure Forza and GT are great. But if you want to learn the nuance of different types of vehicles and practice and learn how to race them and tune them for each individual race then PC2. I have all 3, but PC2 is the most rewarding. I spend considerable time preparing for each new championship, spending time learning the car, practicing the track then finally qualifying and racing. When I win a championship I feel like I worked hard for it and earned it. Forza is just distracting and unfocused hopping in and out of radically different cars and racing in forgettable races. Instant gratification vs working hard to learn and develop to earn every victory


PC2, GT Sport and then Forza for me. PC2 needs better AI, GT Sport needs better features like time and weather cycles, qualifying and practice sessions and more tracks. Like seriously, some of the missing tracks in that game are inexcusable. The game also needs a spotter. You can’t call yourself a sim without a freakin spotter. Forza needs all the things GT Sport does + better handling. But I do enjoy every game for different reasons.


1st gt sport
2nd forza 7
3rd project cars 2


So the racer chooses PC 2. Good choice. F7 and GT definitely have “prettier” graphics, but PC 2 has much more photo-realistic graphics. GT S is just boring to drive and F7 feels like the cars are all on ice. Except muscle cars. Those are amazingly realistic in handling.


2 - F1 2017
3 - Forza 7
Gran Turismo SPort is definitely Better than Project Cars 2 in many points! Forza is kind of fun racing game but not a simulation and not a passionate racing game !
