Emanet 151. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 151

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Emanet dizisinin son bölümünde; Seher pasaport çıkarttırır. Bunu duyan İkbal’in aklından ne geçiyor?

Emanet 151. Bölüm Özeti:
Seher’in pasaport çıkarttığını öğrenen İkbal, acımasız bir plan kurar. Seher’in, her şeyi alt üst edecek bu plandan haberi dahi yoktur.

Halil İbrahim Ceyhan
Sıla Türkoğlu
Berat Yusuf Özkan
Gülderen Güler
Melih Özkaya
Tolga Pancaroğlu
Gülay Özdem
Gözde Gürkan
Hilal Yıldız
Oğuz Yağcı
Osman Aydın
Ömer Gecü
Binnaz Ekren
Zeynep Naz
Derya Ertun
Mehmet Ali Aydın
Özge Ağyar
Volkan Yıldırım
Hayat Olcay

Yönetmenler: Ayhan Özen, Serkan Mut
Senaryo: Başak Yazı Odası
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör

Рекомендации по теме

Cenger: Miss Seher? Are you okay? Your face is pale.
Seher: I'm fine, brother Cenger. I was going to ask you for something.
Cenger: Of course.
Seher: I'm waiting for an important envelope. It'll be here in a few hours. Can you let me know when it comes? It's very important.
Cenger: Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Seher: Thank you. I'll check on Yusuf.
Nadire: You should always be honest, my daughter. You should always be honest with yourself and with Yaman. What do they say, the water flows and finds its way. You will see, everything will change. You will be fine as before again. Whatever happens, I saw the love in Yaman's eyes.
Seher: I can't do it. I can't hide it from it.

Seher: We have to talk.
Yaman: I'm listening.
Seher: I... don't know how to...
Yaman: What's the matter?
Seher: I...
Yaman: Don't forget what you wanted to say. I have to pick up the phone.
Yes, Nedim.
Nedim: Yaman... I found out the village where the detective lives.
Yaman: Where?
Nedim: It's very close to the city. I have now forwarded the men there.
Yaman: The other issue? What did you do with that?
Seher: God, give me strength and courage.

Zuhal: Sister? What are you doing here? Suddenly you disappeared. What are you waiting for?
Ikbal: The person who will enter this door soon will bring us a big bomb, Zuhal.
Zuhal: How? Who will come?
Ikbal: Our innocent peasant got into the fake identity business to escape with Yusuf. Soon someone will come and bring those IDs. Those identities will not even reach Seher.
Zuhal: What are you saying sister? This is good news. While searching in the sky, we found the solution on the ground.
Ikbal: Yes. We'll keep Yaman busy with it until we find the detective.
Zuhal: This is a great event.
Ikbal: Those identities will be our ticket to escape Hell. I will die and I will not lose it to Seher. This is such a big bomb that when it explodes, not a single piece of Seher will be left in this mansion, Zuhal.
Zuhal: I'll be waiting here with you, too. I can't miss this big event in my life.
Ikbal: No. Go to your room now. We mustn't attract attention. Come on.

Firat: That's all. I brought everything I have.
Kiraz: Okay. Then let's start right now.
Yes, Baris. Yes, Selim told me. I know it. Okay. I'm coming right now to the restaurant.
Neslihan... I have to go to the restaurant immediately. I had cooked the food, but when Selim left, Baris had a hard time. But don't worry. You start as we speak. I'll come in an hour.
Neslihan: Okay. Then I'll choose now.
Kiraz: Okay.
Aunt Sultan: If you are leaving, then get my medicine from the pharmacy, my daughter. I'll give you the packaging so you don't get the wrong thing.
Kiraz: Okay.
Firat: I don't have a lot of clothes. Hopefully there will be a few things that will be of use to you.
Neslihan: There will be a few things. I'm looking at your style now. Usually, your style moves on a single line. But the squares always has a timeless style.
Firat: As you know, our profession is very active. It is good not to be noticed.
Neslihan: This sport style suits you. What should we do?
Aunt Sultan: There are Ali's clothes. Let's look at them too. Maybe you will find something that can be of use to you.
Neslihan: No. We shouldn't look at Commissar Ali's clothes.
Aunt Sultan: No problem. I say it. He can't say anything. Come on, follow me. Come on, let's take a look.

Seher: I have to say it.
It fell out of my hand for a moment.
Yaman: You wanted to talk. You can go on. But first I have to tell you something. I owe you... My brother Ziya... He finds peace thanks to you. He has had fewer attacks since your arrival. He's less afraid now. He trusts you very much.
Seher: I did whatever I was thinking. You are not in debt.
Yaman: You're right. What did you want to say?
Seher: I... For Yusuf...
Yusuf: Auntie!
Seher: Yusuf!
Yusuf! Honey! Did you fall down? Are you okay?
Yaman: Yusuf!
Yusuf: I was coming to you. While running, I got stuck and fell. My toy touched me here. My knee hurts too.
Seher: Let's take a look. Open it.
Yusuf: I'll stick the band-aid myself, uncle. You said so. I will disinfect my wound myself.
Seher: No way, honey. I'm with you. We'll clean it together. People who love each other run and help each other when they get hurt, right? But if you want, you can stick the band-aid yourself, okay?
Yusuf: Can I, uncle?
Yaman: Yes. You're okay, my little fire.
Yusuf: My uncle used to tell me to heal my wounds myself, don't trust women. But now it doesn't say anything because it's you. My uncle trusts you, right auntie?

Neslihan: I think we should put the chain in there.
It is very nice.
Aunt Sultan: Look how the guy looked before, and now look how he looks now. Well done, my daughter. You have really good eyes. You can see immediately what fits and what doesn't.
Neslihan: Thank you so much, aunt Sultan.
Aunt Sultan: You will look great with this creation, my son Firat. You are very handsome.
Neslihan: I think it doesn't matter what he's wearing, aunt Sultan. Firat is handsome.

Courier: I brought an envelope.
Ikbal: I'm taking care of it!
Courier: It's for Seher Kirimli.
Ikbal: I'm Seher Kirimli. I was waiting for an envelope. Isn't it why you came? For the ID cards? You know... ID's...

Yusuf: Uncle trusts you, doesn't he auntie?
Ikbal: Am I bothering you?
Yusuf: Tell me, sister in law.
Ikbal: A courier brought this to Seher. He said it's very important and only she can open it. I thought you can give it to her. I can tell Cenger to make a coffee for you if you want.
Yaman: Thank you, sister in law. I'm okay.
Ikbal: Okay, Yamancim.

Seher: I have to do it. For Yusuf.

Seher: If you're not busy, I need to tell you something. I...
Yaman: You what? What will you tell me, Merve Saglam? What fairy tale will you make up again?
Seher: Look...
Yaman: Were you going to tell me where you were going to escape with my nephew? So your secret was to believe me?
Seher: No, please listen.
Yaman: You are a lying traitor. Your belief is fake, just like yourself! You thought you could take my nephew from me? You've been planning this for days!
Seher: No, I tried to tell you this all day, but I didn't get the chance. Yes, I was going to escape, you're right to me upset but...
Yaman: But what? Will you try to make an excuse for your fraud? What excuse can make you innocent?
Seher: Listen... I'm really...
Yaman: Enough! I will no longer listen to your lies.
Seher: You have to listen! I thought about taking him and leave. I planned it. Because... you gave me no other choice. You changed so fast. You told me you lied to me, you humiliated and embarrassed me. You yelled at me every chance you got. But worst of it, you tried to take Yusuf away from me. So when... I faced all these...
Yaman: When you faced all these you decided to kidnap my nephew!
Seher: What else could I have done? What would you do if you were me? Yes. I thought about doing this. But I couldn't. I understood this was a mistake after Yusuf's illness. Because you were... like before. I understood once more that Yusuf doesn't only need me. But he also needs you. He needs us both. So I changed my mind. I even told him not to send the ID's anymore, but it was too late.
Zuhal: How can you be so sure that the detective sent that picture? It's not Seher's first time. She fooled you once. Maybe she's doing it again. Maybe she found out the file. And they met with Selim at the same place, with the same clothes. Just to confuse you. I think, they are trying to fool you again and unfortunately they are succeeding.
Yaman: You didn't try to escape because of me. That was your plan from the beginning! Your so called sincerity, your good intentions, it was all fake!
Seher: You obviously believed something and you are forcing yourself not to believe anything else. You don't want to understand. But I can't handle your accusations anymore. Believe whatever you want! There's nothing I can say.

Seher: I don't deserve this. People do not change. You are stupid, Seher.

Yaman: I would believe her again. I would trust her again.
Cenger: Mr. Nedim came.

Zuhal: Poor Sehercik. Even I feel sorry for you now.

Nedim: Yaman... We can't find the detective. We even checked his hometown. But no trace.
Yaman: We don't need him anymore. She got fake ID's. For herself and Yusuf. She was planning on running away with my nephew. She confessed everything when I got the ID's before her.
Nedim: Seher? Why would she do that?
Yaman: The answer is clear now. Since that Selim guy ran away too... they obviously planned it. Selim went first, and she was going to join him with the ID's. They were going to run away. And they did this to fool me. There's no other explanation.
Nedim: So... what do you want me to do?
Yaman: Forget the detective. We don't need him. Talk to the lawyers. The fake ID's... fraud... Find out if it's enough for me to get custody. Investigate everything.


Definition of addiction:
Friday: we say we will not watch this show again 😳.
Monday: we wait for it and crawl back and watch it ❤️.
Weekends: we watch old episodes and clips.
This show is a poison 😂😂 lol, but we love it.


Naz: Did you see the episode?
Me: Nope, I was looking at the comments and found out it wasn't worth watching.


Naz: Did you see the episode?
Me: Nope, I was busy looking for Yaman brain. 😒


Don't know what to say about it but guys please pray for my elder brother he left us 02 April (Friday) on 7:00 am because of blood cancer plz pray for him 🙏🥀 you all becomes my family that's why I'm asking 🙏


Wow Sila wow, what depths inside yourself you reach down to and come up with the emotions you express in the dramatic scenes. You never overact (Halil does a little bit when he is angry and barking), and you never lose control. I am in awe of your acting skills young lady. BRAVO!


The main point of today's episode - Yaman often goes to the toilet at night ... because he drank so much water for dinner 😂😂😂


Remember the good old times when The misunderstandings between yaman and sehar used to end within one or two episodes when they used to overhear each others conversations....


Allahım şükürlər olsun 152 bölümde hər şey açağıya çıkıyo sabırsızlıkla bekliyənlər bir like atsın


Yaman is so magnetic. You can love him, hate him, get angry with him, laugh at him, feel sorry for him & be compassionate towards him, but you can NEVER IGNORE him.
You can never forget him.
Halil was so lucky to get Yaman ‘s role to display his talent to the world. The writer, producer & director were lucky to get Halil to play Yaman as he made that character become so much real and alive on the screen that we as viewers will never forget him .I think he is a super smart artist with deep understanding & he gives his best in every scene.
Sila is right there shining with him.


Seher, for now, live your life. Leave Yusuf behind and get yourself together until the time your sweet success is ready to take Yusuf from them.


The writer kills thier story ..🤬🤬🤬🤬
She destroyed every thing 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I will NEVER ever forgive NAZ for:
-Pulling me in with Yaman and Seher and then destroying their characters.
-Disrespecting women, showing them weak, and showing abuse as love.
-Stretching this file torture for ratings at the expense of quality.
-Wasting my time and disrespecting my intelligence with her writing.
-Poor research and portrayal of Child services, mental health, Cancer. As some pointed out--Police and Also Doctors.
-Wasting Halil and Sila's chemistry when they tried their best to make Sehyam amazing
I am sure there are many more reasons.


Nedim was not able to find the truth about the fake file but he quickly find out that Yaman can have custody of Yusuf because of the fake ID. Bravo, Nedim.
The snake sister's days of reckoning starts today. (at least the small snake and the big one will be ferocious) Yaman is going to fall from the top that he set for Seher


I read the comments. I am not going to even waste may time watching another abuse from Yaman. This is getting ridiculous. I would never forgive a man if he will treat me this way. I hope Seher makes him suffer like crazy when she discover that he did not trusted her.


Yaman needs to be with Zuhal he trusts her so much. Seher tells him the truth as to why she got the fake ID's and no trust he doesnt believe her, he just wants custody of Yusuf, I'm beginning to honestly think all this is nothing but a lie of Yaman pretending to care for her when he actually only wanted Yusuf. No faith in Yaman at all, let Yaman live happy with the snakes and allow seher to be happy with yusuf elsewhere


All I could say that Yaman doesn’t deserve Seher.😘


Thanks to this series, the glass-producing barn factory won't fail.


'Legacy' of a new name: 'Tired'.


in each story there is evil character but must be limits for this character .. here I've already begun to believe that the writer support and encourage these characters .. i can't watch or hear Ekbal anymore
