Anchoring 'The Bitter End'

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Anchoring 'The Bitter End'

The Bitter End refers to the last few meters of an anchor line before the attachment point to the vessels anchor locker.
It is advisable to use a rope bitter end so that it can be easily cut to release the anchor and chain if it becomes snagged and cannot be retrieved.
Brendon Grieve | Motoryachts Unlimited +61 409 620 336
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I would suggest you revise the end of the video. Your demonstrated method of deploying the boat fenders to mark the anchor might be an issue, unless you lean over the bow to tie them on! Other boats will have similar issues, making deployment of fenders impossible. An excellent option is to clip a 50-75 foot length of woven polypropylene rope to the end of the chain before cutting the bitter end of the rode. It will exit the boat, then float to the surface. After a few beers, I might do what you demonstrated!! Haha!


How is that fender (let alone two or three of them) going to go through that slot?