An EASY way to make homemade TOMATO PASTE!

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Homegrown homemade tomato paste for the freezer! How to make tomato paste from scratch!

Spring-Loaded Scoops

Large Cooking Pot

Half Gallon Freezer Bags



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For those of us who do not have a dehydrator, and no intention of ever getting one…this is great! Thanks!


Just a tip; only cook the tomatoes for about 20 minutes until they release alot of water. Then strain the water. Gently blend after staining the water away. And you end up with Tomatoe puree. Slowing cooking this puree down will give you Tomato pasta. If you really want to get fancy, make the Tomato puree, and sundry the puree until it become a paste.
This is how Italian Tomato Paste is made. It will taste even better.


That was really smart to freeze them into “blobs”! I just saved a very large banquet pan full of tomato slices from getting dumped out and was looking for a method to preserve them. Thanks a ton!


İm my country after blending the pure we put salt and a little bit bicarbonate and dry it in sun. You put it to a sunny place covering it with a very thin see-trough cloth and stir it ones a day till it becomes a thick paste… its healthier and you don’t spend so much electricity. Its also tastes better… has a unique taste that comes from the sun. And you don’t need to store it in the fridge. Cover it with olive oil and enjoy till next season.


Excellent instructional video!
Straight to the point, covering all important details.


While I have no access to paste tomatoes, I thoroughly enjoyed your video. You have a very clear way of explaining your method and the results looked wonderful! Thank you for posting this.


This is GREAT!
We were making sauce our first year. We ended up with a bunch of skin and seed solids that didn’t go into our sauce. We took all that pulpy stuff and loaded it into our dehydrator with some basil leaves and dehydrated it until crispy. Then we ground that into a fine powder.
This powder we use to thicken soups and sauces as well as adding it into a bit of water for tomato paste. The powder is shelf stable and sits in a jar in the cabinet like any other spice.
I will have to try this method though as it seems to probably add much more flavor from a “roasted” tomato.
This is GREAT! Thank you!


You can speed up the cooking by freezing those tomatoes as they ripen and when you are ready to make paste or sauce the pink'ish clean liquid will be in the bag when defrosted. Not much squeezing will be needed. Be sure to set the frozen bags in a cooler and expect condensation to build around the outside of what ever you use to defrost the tomato bags in. Place in the tub or large sink till defrosted which can take 1 to 3 days depending on the size of the batch frozen. This was a game changer for me years ago. I will never not freeze my sauce tomatoes again and be in a hurry to can or make paste in the heat of the summer.


For everyone asking about canning the paste.... My Ball canning book says to water bath can 1/2 pints for 40 min. You need to add lemon juice or citric acid if canning. Per 12LBS of tomatoes, add 1/4 cup bottled lemon juice or 1 tsp citric acid


I never would have thought of drying it out in the oven, it probably gives a richer taste than a dehydrator.


Followed your directions and made my first tomato paste. It is so delicious, and it was easy. Thank you!


One tip I've learned the hard way: As the volume of liquid decreases, lower the temperature to keep it at the same level of simmering! At least, this is true on my electric stove. Actually, I've found this applies to just about any liquid-y thing you're cooking on top of the stove. 😎


I’ve never done this with my tomatoes before. Thank you so much for sharing the process! 😊


This was awesome!!! I love making as much home made “anything” as I can.


Great upload ~ THANK YOU! Making this now, and I have four glass 9x13 or so (various sizes) baking dishes on two oven racks going with a timer on... after 30 years of canning... I can finally make my own good tomato paste!!! 😍


I tried making tomato paste one time. I don't remember how many pounds of tomatoes I started with to get, maybe, a cup of paste, after hours of work. I didn't know you could leave the skins on, so I blanched, peeled, and seeded all of the tomatoes. In the end, I thought it tasted pretty much the same as the store bought kind. However, freezing it in portions is a great idea! Now, I buy the giant sized cans at the international market, portion it out and freeze it. So convenient! And there is no extra half can to sit in the refrigerator and get crusty and moldy.


Exactly what I was looking for. Sooo many tomatoes this year. Thank you!


This is seriously such a helpful video! Thank you, Crystal!!!


That is brilliant! Will now have to wait until next year as I have already processed all my toms, but will definitely be doing this. Thank you.


Thank you. This is worth the time. I know how I grew the tomatoes. So many details. Can't go wrong. I've subscribed.
