In One Day I Managed to NOT ONLY Trim Two HEDGES But Also Remove Two TREES

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On this day I had two jobs to do, trimming two hedges and removing two small trees.
When I arrived at the first house I noticed that all the shrubs and hedges had been trimmed, when I went to the backyard I saw the hedge I had been sent a photo of, the hedge looked much bigger than I had seen in the photo, it was about 10m long and almost 5m high, the owner of the house warned me that the hedge was tall and they had trimmed everything in the yard except it, as this job requires professional tools. I didn't realize it would be so tall and I wasn't sure if my stepladder would be tall enough, but I didn't want to move the job either, so I got to work. I decided to use a Stihl KMA135 telescopic trimmer, but when I finished trimming from the front it was more difficult to trim from the back, as the width from the hedge to the neighbor's fence was not more than half a meter, so I had to move with great difficulty and so I first decided to use a regular Stihl HSA86 trimmer and then again used the trimmer with an extension.
Once finished I started trimming from the top, as it turned out it was not so easy as the height of the stepladder was about a meter short, so I had to use it as a ladder and put it on the hedge, but in this case I could not use the long trimmer as I could not hold on, so I had to use the regular trimmer again and somehow I finished trimming, then I started cleaning up.
This work took me almost 4 hours.
Then I went to the second house, first I trimmed a small hedge near the parking lot, then I went to the backyard where there was a second hedge that was not high and not very long, so I did the job pretty quickly. After trimming, I cleaned everything up and also blew the leaves in the yard and collected them in bags. The hardest part, as I expected, would be removing two trees in the front yard, but when I started working I realized that it would be much easier and in 30 minutes I removed them completely, and then loaded them into my trailer.
This job took me 3 hours!
Рекомендации по теме

Not only an amazing gardening but also an incredible cinematography.
The editing is a work of art!


In awe of your trimming skills, you wield the trimmers like a surgeon wields a scalpel, so much precision and straight edges, just perfection and a fantastic result! Kudos.


Dangerous work trimming those very tall hedges! But, you know, I don't think enough is said about your filming: Your filming is excellent. To begin with, I never see a camera anywhere and the angles are always very good --- particularly impressive today was the shot of you trimming the very top of this enormous hedge and it was swaying like the sea and the camera was right up there with you but completely motionless! How did you achieve that? Really terrific filming! So enjoyable to watch! Thank you!♥


You know what I love about your videos, besides the awesome hedge trimming, is the fact that you don't talk!


Kurtorez not only skill in trimming the hedges, but he is very brilliant in using the right tool equipment to do that, so that the result is tidy and beautiful. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


I watch a lot of yard maintenance YouTube creators...that I adore, but you are the BEST on shrubs and hedges. ❤😊


You've got the best camera work! No one comes close to the shots and angles you capture. Love to watch your vids... Great Job! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


This job again proves that you are the “King of Hedges!” Absolutely a marvelous job!! Greetings from Orlando USA


The only best in hedge cutting is you! Uprooting 2 trees oh my, you are my Superman!


Unreal. I'm watching in awe as you tackle that monolith of a hedge. By yourself. Then, when other men would have thought, "That's good enough, " you brought out the big guns and finished off the top edge as you always do. You have an amazing work ethic, that is for sure. Today, you surprised even me.


Oh Lord. I worry about you up that high using a precarious ladder just leaned up against the shrubs. I know you are very conscientious and careful but wow that was tall!! We even got to see the video at the top! How cool was that?!?! You are certainly the Hedge King. You have mastered the art of pruning, indeed. That was pretty narrow in the back, without much room to walk around. (Omg you had a horse and carriage go by! 😍 What a cool place you live.) what an excellent video.. filmed beautifully, engaging, with quality work we love. Blessings from the PNW, Lakewood, Washington!💛🖤💛


The beauty that you bring to these luxurious gardens boggles my mind…what a talented artist you are, Kustorez! I admire you so much! Thank you for yet another perfect video!❤I believe this may be the tallest hedge I’ve ever seen you work on…such perfection!❤


Best hedge trimmer artist on YouTube and the most excellent film work bar none!


Well all I can say Kustorez, yet another job done well by this German master hedge cutter. Bravo.


Best Hedge trimmer on YouTube. Anyone who wants to be a youtube hedge trimmer should be taking notes from Kustorez, in my opinion! But obviously it is also natural ability to be precise in the straight lines.


Я в восторге от Вашей работы!!! Я живу в Рязане, но родом из Киргизии. Поражаюсь чистотой, которую Вы оставляете после себя! Как же легко управляетесь своими инструментами- просто виртуозно!!! Браво, мастер!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💥🔥💓


You are the ultimate maestro when cutting humongous hedges. It’s beyond therapeutic watching you. Yeah a little scary when they are above 12 -15 feet high ( not these but other hedges) but I think you’ve probably been doing this long enough to know what you’re doing. Epic job and extremely enjoyable watching you work 😊😊😊


You have brilliant eye and a sense of judgement for getting the hedge top line so neat. A job for which I need to put up a demountable tower. Enjoy seeing your professionalism and an eye for the detail.


Kus, you really get a workout...up and down the ladder, reaching way over those hedges, squeezing into tight places, dragging all your equipment out and carrying those enormous bags. But the end result is absolutely fabulous. Too bad you can't autograph your work, eh?


You are amazing. I got dizzy just watching. Lol
