How do Europeans feel about the USA?

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Ever wondered how Europeans perceive the United States? Dive into this insightful video where we explore the sentiments and opinions of Europeans towards the USA. From admiration for American culture to critical views on politics, economics, and foreign policy, this video provides a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted relationship between Europe and the United States.

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"The political system is a bit frustrating"

Understatement of the century lmaoooo


The difference is that in the US (apparently) over 50 % of the population go to church every week - and in Europe it's less than 5% - culturally that is big.


People in Germany talk about faults in the past in history class. I have a massive respect for it.


I've never been to the US but whenever I've met Americans or worked with them, they're some of the nicest people I've met.


"can I swear?" "yes" *mutes segment* 😄


The main thing is the so called "education system". Not being able to point your own country on a map gives us interllectual disgust.


howdy from the california coast. Everyone in this video seems really lovely & beautiful. Bravo. Those two at 0:45 are particularly remarkable. Much peace & joy to all!


Let make "Yourtruebrit" Great again :)


As an Australian living in Germany with my German husband I always felt that Australians were better considered than Americans. I’m glad that people were not afraid to criticise mr. Trump, I also don’t understand the sheep mentality as far as he is concerned.


"Can I swear?"

"Sure ( I will just censore it)."


Yooo people in Munich dress sooo fancy, like me living in Berlin it's sooo different!!!


idk if they do this in europe but you do the pledge of allegiance everyday in school and in texas you also do the texas pledge every morning this may be part of why the usa pride is a thing and texas pride as well


This is our new series yes, it may kill the channel. But, we need a change! :)


You can be nice to everyone and genuine🙄 apparently lost on them..


Had to pop in as an anthropologist: Regarding negative American stereotypes: Europeans seem to base their information for on-the-ground Americans via TikTok, news media designed to catch attention, and American tourists who can afford or who have saved up for these trips. These Americans often expect the Old Europe and over-imagine the old American influence - hence why some may expect the Dollar to be accepted. Europeans forget or don't even realize that not everyone they're seeing are the average Americans. Yes, Americans can be loud - people get excited and with excitement, our whole nervous and chemical system can raise levels that manifest in loud behavior without us even realizing it. 

Who is considered an American to these individuals? "You don't look American, " is something I'd heard at least twice in the past three years of living in Germany and yet I grew up in the US. Where are these Americans coming from? American diversity and American politics are so interconnected and yet so disconnected that these types of interviews can really accidentally show much bias ultimately have the potential to spread false information. Who is out and about where these are being held? Where are they being interviewed? What kind of information are they sharing? Many Europeans are from not the country where they're being interviewed.

People in the US still often seem to treat Europeans as more sophisticated and grand. The architecture and more traditional ways of life - sure - but people are still people with their struggles, misconceptions, stereotypes and unconscious biases.


Im half Spanish half American and what i don't like about USA or Americans is that... they don't know basic geography or historical stuff.... they call "Hispanics or Latinos" to people who look Native American...that doesn't makes sense at all....Latins and Hispanics are from Europe, is like calling someone from India "Germanic"


I didn’t like that you didn’t should where the people were from. You should bring that back imo.
As for Trump he’s an awful person and should be behind bars not running for president. I’m a U.S. American and I no longer live in the US and will not move back, but I still have family and friends there and I fear for them every day.


Next: How do EU-Citiziens feel about Great Britain?


I don't see how the girl who was in the U.S. for 1 year when she TWELVE is out here saying "WE have faults" and feels so entitled to criticize our you only obsess about the flaws of your own country, or do you look at more positive aspects? Yet with us, it's such a negative attitude. Idk where people get off criticizing our patriotism..we didn't get to be the n
Most powerful free happy influential country in the world by sitting around hating ourselves🙄
Our friendliness is not disingenuous LIVE in Germany, so your friendships there are going to be deeper!! You don't think we also have deep friendships?! Just because we're nice to everyone doesn't mean we don't have close friends also..good grief!


You have to seperate the government from the people.
Been there, done that, avoided the t-shirt.
