Spread vs Rest Operator ft. arguments in JS.(Hindi) #javascript #spread #rest #codingbuddha

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The JavaScript Spread and Rest operators are strong tools for working with objects and arrays. We can unpack array elements or object properties into another array or object using the Spread operator (represented by "..."). It can be used to duplicate something or combine a number of arrays or objects.

On the other side, we can combine numerous elements into an array with the Rest operator (also represented by "..."). To gather a variable number of arguments into an array, it is commonly used in function parameter. Working with an unknowable or variable number of values is made simple with the Rest operator.

In summary, the Rest operator gathers elements into an array, whereas the Spread operator spreads elements or characteristics. In JavaScript, both operators are useful for manipulating objects and arrays effectively.

So we will be discussing about:
0. What is Rest Operator and Spread Operator?
1.What are the difference between spread and rest operator?
2. How we can use rest operator with function, object and arrays?
3. Examples of rest operator.
4. How we can use spread operator with function, object and arrays?
5. Examples of spread operator.

#javascript #codingbuddha #javascriptinterview #javascriptinhindi #spreadoperator #restinjavascript #webdevelopment #nodejs #reactjs
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