Burns Nursing Care, Treatment, Degrees, Pathophysiology, Management, NCLEX Review

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Burns nursing care NCLEX review lecture covers burns treatment, pathophysiology, nursing interventions, degrees of burns (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree burns with affected skin areas), circumferential burns, different causes and types of burns, and more.

What are burns? Burns occur when there is damage to the skin integrity due to some type of energy source. Burns can be caused by various sources such as:

-Heat (thermal): hot liquids, steam, fire etc. that comes into contact with the skin…most common type.
-Electrical: electric current passes through the body and damages tissues (watch for iceberg effect), heart dysrhythmias, bone fractures (cervical spine injuries) and acute tubular necrosis.
-Chemical: toxic substances come into contact with the skin (powders, gases, or certain foods).
-Cold: coldness comes into contact with the skin for too long: frostbite
-Radiation: sun, treatments for cancer
-Friction: force abrasion to the skin….car accident…road rash, rope burn

Burn severity depends on the depth of damage to the skin (burn degree), percentage of the total body surface area (rule of nines) that is burned, patient’s age, medial history, location of the burn, and did the patient experience an inhalation injury?

-1st Degree (superficial): affects the top layer of the skin “epidermis". The skin will be very red or pink, painful, warm to touch, and has no blisters. Capillary refill is brisk.
-2nd degree can be superficial or deep depending on how far the damage occurred in the dermis (partial-thickness). These burns involve the epidermis and dermis. The burn will have redness that will blanch and be shiny red/pink and moist in areas.
-3 to 4th degree (full-thickness): for these type of burns watch for eschar (hard dead tissue that can restriction blood flow and respiratory effort) and for acute tubular necrosis because myoglobin and hemoglobin can be released into circulation and go to the kidneys and block perfusion, which leads to acute kidney injury.
-3rd degree burns affect all skin layers to the subcutaneous fat (hypodermis). The burn can be yellow, red, and black. It will appear dry rather than moist/shiny. Pain sensation is gone or decreased. Skin grafting is required.
-4th degree (deep full-thickness): All skin layers are affected along with the muscle, bones, and ligaments. Burn will appear charred and black. No sensation is present.

It is important to be aware of the burns location and if the burn is a circumferential burn. This type of burn circles around an area of the body. They are most dangerous on the torso and extremities.
For nursing interventions and pathophysiology of burns please watch the video.

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Hello Everyone! I hope this video helps with your exams on burns. Don't forget about:


It’s 3am, I’m not a nursing student nor quite sure as to how I ended up here, but hey, learned something new!


You were meant to be a nursing educator. If you were the instructor, half of my class wouldn't be failing!


Give this woman her PhD already. I learn more from you. Thank you very much. You are God sent!!


I'm not a nurse, but I have learned so much from this video. I'm 54 and I began studying vitamins and minerals last year and that led me straight to learning the human anatomy. I'm so very thankful for the people that take their time to produce educational videos. I wanted to be a physical therapist back in the early '90's, but I couldn't handle the aspect of having to work with burn patients. Now, at my mature age, I feel that I can finally conquer something that held me back 30 years ago.


Hi Sarah! Super lucky to discover your channel. I just took my NCLEX-RN last Saturday. It was my first take, and I passed. Your videos are my favorite review material. I learned a lot because you made each topic very simple and easy to understand. I really recommend your videos to my friends who are also about to take the exam. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and making Nursing life easier. More power to you. 😊


I am a nursing and paramedic student in Melbourne Australia, without your videos I wouldn't have possibly passed the exam for nursing complex which i assume is equivalent to NCLEX in states, all the topics covered in your videos are very easy to understand and remember...thank you very much


You are literally better than every professor I've ever had put together. Thank you for all you do for us Nurses


Hello, Sara. I discovered your channel from my little brother currently in nursing school. I graduated in 2009 and took the NCLEX for the first time on April 30th this year and I passed because of you. Thank you so much for all that you do! God bless you!


edit 5/17/18 11am
0:51 Different types of burns = Heat, electric, chemical, cold, radiation, friction
3:31 electrical --> bone fractures
3:45 Muscle damage --> myoglobin release
4:57 chemical burn
7:00 %TSBA pic Rule of 9
9:08 Skin layers: epidermis, dermis, hypodermis
10:56 Burn depth
13:06 3rd degree 15:40 4th degree
16:14 Burn location
17:40 areas trouble healing
19:30 areas prone to infection
20:31 Inhalation injury
21:40 Carbon monoxide poisoning . 100% oxygenation Nonrebreather mask
25:17 EAR Phases of Burn Management. Emergent, Acute, Rehabilitative.
27:31 What is happening in body after the burn. Electrolytes, albumin, displaced.
32:41 Acute phase, , renal = diuresis
34:52 IV access and what to give. Lactated Ringers, albumin
37:45 GI is affected . Ulcers "curlings"
39:50 NPO . caloric needs. Stress response.
41:13 Respiratory is affected
42:22 Protective isolation
44:00 Pain .. Wound care


My professors will have 12 chapters on one test, only briefly explain concepts with poorly detailed powerpoints, swamp us with the same 30+ page weekly clinical packet we've done so many times before... and wonder why some of us made less than a 60 on our exams. These videos go over the information and concepts they fail to. Thank you for what you do!


Hi! Im a nurse from Chile preparing my NCLEX here in Australia. I used to work in the NICU before coming here so I didn't remember much about anything besides my professional experience. There are not many sources to prepare the test with and specially for Spanish speakers (I know is in English still, but very clear to my Spanish ears ahah) and for free, which is something that we all immigrants appreciate, specially after how pandemic affected us being far from home without much financial support. Im very grateful for your work and I will always remember this videos as a big big help in my journey. Many many many thanks for all your incredible videos, you are an angel queen <3 Much love, respect and thanks again!


I start my new grad nursing job in the burn unit at Parkland on Monday!!


This woman is a jewel to the medical profession whose ingenuity wave among othërs..She unselfishly shared knowledge and techniques in giving treatments to burn victims..Having discussed the topic very comprehensively, we gathëred and bucketed for a variety of utility..Market its wholesome and vast...


I have been a psych nurse for over 35 yrs. I thought I would try my skills and brain on burn care. I PASSED! Not too bad for a 63 yr old psych nurse!


Two exams left and I will graduate with my BSN & you have been such a huge help!! thank you so much!!!


Hi Sara. I don't have words to thank you enough for all your help. You had been my #1 instructor through Nursing school. I took my Nclex PN yesterday. I just find out today I passed with 85 questions at my first try. Thank you!!


I just passed my bsc nursing course in India. I am preparing for compititive exams, your vedios very helpful for me . I am already watched maybe 10 -12 vedio thank you so much mam your a very good tutor .


you need to start marketing your videos to med/pa/np students as well as nursing students!! I have learned so much from you (more than from professors and other youtube channels). Thank you for a complete thorough review where you have addressed everything.


Please do not stop making these videos! I am in third semester of the nursing program and I cannot say enough, these videos help put everything into perspective! Thank you so very much!
