Genetic Test Scams: Breast Cancer Screening Gone Wrong (Doctor on BRCA)

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Diagnostic tests are important. I'm not doubting that! But the messaging to patients does them a disservice, and it's simply not fair. Exploiting fear to make profits isn't the medicine your doctors want to practice.

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Here is an abbreviated transcript:
My mom was just a kid when she lost her mother to breast cancer, and the impact never goes away. I’m here at the University of California, San Francisco, that played a pivotal role in breast cancer genetics. But have these breakthroughs overall helped, or hurt, women?

Breast cancer is unique with it’s emotional impact – much of a woman’s identity, body image, and sexuality is threatened.

This makes women incredibly vulnerable.

So it was a big deal when a genetic link was discovered (the BRCA gene mutation), even if it only affected a small proportion (10% of all breast cancers, but more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population).

Corporate interests tried to patent the BRCA gene, but the US supreme court didn’t let it fly.

A whole industry has spun off since then. That company that lost the patent went ahead and launched massive ad campaigns in Denver, Colorado, and saw huge increased demand. And revenue.
More companies now do this, and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even approved a direct to consumer BRCA genetic test.

DTC means a company can advertise directly to consumers w/out a health professional to help guide the patient and explain the test. Does this sound fishy? You’re right. In fact, most countries don’t allow this because there’s clear conflicts of interest. New Zealand and the US are two countries that actually allow this.

Back to the genetic test. The message seems clear: take the test so you get more information. Breast cancer is scary, after all. But how strong are these genetic risks?

Most of my patients think it’s very high. 100% 90% 70%?

At first, it was thought to be 70%, but newer numbers look closer to 50%. Other genes have even lower risk of developing breast cancer.

So, if 50% get breast CA.. then 50% don’t get CA. What’s going on?

The lifestyle components appear just as large, if not larger, than the genetic component! But it’s harder to sell a lifestyle than a genetic test. It can be hard work: stress reduction, good sleep, a healthy environment without toxins, exercise, a healthy diet. And I’m not talking about fad diets here.

We'll discuss the rest of the story in the next video. Stay tuned! Remember, you have more control over your health than they want you to know!
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We appreciate your honesty, please keep on sharing and spreading the information. I hope you will have more and more subscribers in the future.


I had Ductal breast cancer 2 years ago and had to have a mastectomy on my left breast. They had me do a genetic test for the cancer gene. Luckily I don't have it…but I still got cancer and lost my breast. There is not enough discussion for and among women regarding breast cancers!


23 & me advised me that I had the BRCA1 mutation. My gynecologist referred me to a genetic counselor and had my test confirmed by a clinical lab.

Now my adult children will be tested because they have 50% chance of inheriting this mutation. This is not only about breast cancer but also ovarian cancer which is very difficult to diagnose it early stages.and also, pancreatic and prostate cancer risk.


I really wish you can go on on this channel. I was tested for this mutation and my results came out positive. How am I going to break this news to my Brazilian family when my parents didn’t even ask to know about it… I can’t do this to them. I am suffering a hard time with pressure from doctors here at Houston in a known medical institution, they insistes I should take breasts, uterus, ovaries and all. I don’t have any breast cancer in my mom’s family nor my dad’s, my grandmother and her mother and sister all died with uterus cancer thou and doctors here believe it could be ovaries cancer… I don’t know what to do. I am almost 40, two small children, a husband, a family to take care of… it’s so hopeless the way they tell you that it’s not a matter of IF but WHEN.
