False Positives Prevalent in Breast Cancer Screenings

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A new study finds 60 percent of abnormal mammograms are not cancer at all.
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I've always been amazed people don't go for a second opinion when it comes to these I would go for a second opinion and I wouldn't say anything to the second Dr. about being diagnosed (positive or negative). That way you get a true second opionion! Matter of fact, I would have three or four "2nd" opionis...


Ultra Sound is a BETTER diagnostic tool, it can detect smaller abnormalities and it does not rupture cysts. It does not expose the woman to radiation which is far more than you'd get from dental x-rays and they shield you at the dentist office. According to the mfg'rs recommendations, they are supposed to use heavy shielded blankets over your thyroid. Have never seen it offered to me. So I just refuse to take one again.

I was badly bruised the last time and promised myself I would not do this again.

I have had an ultra sound and it was negative. I nursed 3 children 2.75 years each so statistically I am unlikely to have breast cancer even though my mother and sister had their cancers after age 60 which is post menopause. My mother's cancer was slow growing they told her and if she'd been given the option of not treating it, she'd have likely died of something else, she died of complications of a hip fracture as they tested her cancer in a lab against estrogen, put her on tomoxophen (testosteroe) which blocks remaining estrogen. Without estrogen women don't absorb any calcium at all and so she had such severe brittle bone from that, without falling, her upper thigh bone shattered. She died of complications in the hospital for 6 months in a coma being tortured to death, going in, wiping out the hospital born infection she got from the surgery they performed.

No thank you. I was supposed to be called when they went in, opened up the incision to replace the bone on account of an infection not touched by antibiotics. It remained open after the surgery and they put her in a sitz bath to keep it clean where she lost so much blood that she lost the ability to speak and went into a coma. I was with her when they did the sitz bath and the water was so red with blood you could not see her body below the water!!! The edges of the wound they made were in such a state of mush they could not sew her back up. This had to be wiped out 3x's a day. I could not understand why they did not amputate which was the better option considering her health. But then that would have been kinder. It was a blessing when she went into a coma.

No, I don't want you toxic drugs. I'll die someday, with both breasts and with my mental faculties still intact thank you very much!

Going to school makes some men doctors, others it makes butchers! I know which kind "cared" for my mother.


But how can I get second opinion when these pathologist are all sleeping with each other..
