Philippines Life. The UK Is Dead And Its Getting Worse.

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Left my country because it become a place I didn't want to be anymore.

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I left the UK 36 years ago and never looked back it's a sh.t whole.


Yes mate fully agree…nowhere is perfect but the U.K. is a woke shithole.. so expensive and not feeling safe


I am in UK now and i grieve for the country i grew up in. In my home country Scotland towns are now ghost towns. Pubs closed shops closed no one in the streets. And in South England where i now live only the young go out and socialize and when your an old git like me there's just nothing to look forward to in retirement except sitting around the house looking at bad weather. I don't know if its me that's done or the country but one of us has to go! Pulling the trigger in Summer and renting my house out to live in Dumaguete. Already made some ex pat friends their.


It was good to hear your experience and views regarding life in UK. I am so contented here in Philippines and I'm certain I'll always live out here. Life can be very simple yet breath-taking. It is really a state of mind as to how we individually approach our day-to-day out here. For me, motorcycling is utterly fantastic. Happy, friendly people, stunning environment visuals and the sheer joy of living a later life in a tropical wonderland. Certainly, there are challenges but local people find a reason to smile, despite their struggles.

The quality of life that I enjoy by simply being here is unique and unobtainable in UK. I am blessed to have my filipina to share the best of times. The UK has altered so greatly and all of it to the detriment of the people, which is tragic and frightening.

For any person living in the UK and having the option to consider an alternative retirement in South-East Asia, don't be put-off by naysayers and those who lack ambition or appetite for a better life. Give it a look. Take a holiday here and see for yourself the possibilities. For me, this is my last hurrah!! .. it could be yours too 🏝


I can totally relate to your situation Stephen, Im 65 and working night shifts in supermarkets all over the UK. Hard physical work and not well paid. I will only have state pension from August, and like you am disgusted at what this country has become. Cant wait to be a fellow ex pat in the Philippines!!!


UK has become expensive since the 2008 house prime crash. So I am looking forward to retiring to Philippines. I have a lovely wife, new car, 10 hectare plantation and a modern tropical home overlooking the sea and with 180 degree view of Mt Mayon.


I know exactly what you're talking about, mate. Moved to the Philippines two years ago, leaving the UK, Northern Ireland. Having to be careful what you say, taxes, the people. I also have no intentions of going back.


I left Poland 20 years ago moving to UK. It was brilliant for start just like different world. The quality of life changed for better the Brithish culture was fascinating for me, the system was much easier, people were smiling everyday and they were greeting you when passing by on the streets. I made a lot of friends here in UK but that has changed. That was 20 years ago. Now everything is different and all what you have said it is exactly how I feel myself right now being non-british in UK. I can feel like after all those years the place changed so much. And the cost of living yes, all my wages go straight out my bank account via direct debits to cover my bills and I am constantly poor and miserable. I am going back to Phi this month just for holidays, just to relax my mind. And I constantly thinking to move over there for good. I rather to be poor but happy and free than living in the illusion of earning 35k a year and these numbers have no value whatsoever. Kind regards and peace & love always forever 🤜🧡🤛


The same in Holland. I was in the Philipines for 4 months last year, great country with even greater people. I will move to the Philipines permenently soon. My neighbors stay under a blanket because of the gasbill. Even couples who work both go to the foodbank. It's a terrible situation for many Duch people. The tax and pension money go to Ukrain for wapens. The time you have to wait for a house is far over 10 years. Half of tghe midle east lives here, not my country anymore. You did good man, stay safe and enjoy live! Greetings from Holland. ( for now ) Gerrit.


Im 34 years old from Denmark and I try to safe/invest as much as possible to be able to do what you have done as early as possible.


Not that complicated... UK awful for single guy, very lonely. Pub, golf, TV. Kids, grandkids grown up. I had worked in Asia previously and loved it, especially Filipina. Live in apartment with swimming pool for £350 a month, inc WiFi and electric. Health insurance if no big savings £100 a month. No more bills after that! 30 degrees every day and very cheap whereabouts is Manchester again? Never again...


Happy 2025! Love how you enjoy your family and living the simple life! Really enjoy your stories and can't wait to hear about experiences in Japan and Korea. Mark from DC


I live in Australia. Exactly what you have described is the situation here. The only difference being, here (Australia) there is no such thing as a tv licence.


I’m 68 and retired in the UK. I have terminal cancer in the brain so can’t really travel and find myself stuck in the UK now. If I could travel I’d go tomorrow because like you say I’ve worked all my life and get just enough pension to survive unlike the immigrants who seem to get everything.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’m currently in China on holiday with my Chinese wife, and now feels like the right time to make the move back here. I lived in China about ten years ago, but at that time, I wasn’t in the best state of mind and didn’t enjoy my experience. However, things have changed significantly since then, and I feel that now is the best time to make it my home.

I’ve started learning the language and feel a genuine sense of belonging here. Walking around, you can see that people seem wealthier, but more importantly, they’re happier. It’s heartwarming to watch the elderly spending time together—every night, they gather to dance and socialize.

You were fortunate to have grown up during a time when the UK was a very different place, and I share your sentiment about its decline. I’ve always considered myself a deep thinker and tend to notice patterns in everything. It’s clear to me that the state of the UK today wasn’t an accident—it was shaped by decisions made long ago, likely as far back as the 1980s, which coincidentally was just a couple of years after I was born.

What’s fascinating to me is whether other countries will follow a similar trajectory. Only time will tell, but for now, I’m focused on making this next chapter in China a fulfilling one.


Hi Stephen great video reference UK. I have only been to Uk twice in 30years for short vacations, of which spent the past 24 years in Pinas, looking forward to my pension in 2026. Very sad what has happened to UK, regards from Gerry in north Luzon.


Life is getting very tough for the working classes in the west. Back when I was growing up the working man could buy himself a small house, run a car and have holidays. Those things are becoming increasingly difficult. It is causing ooor mental health and a huge rise in addiction. Not a pleasant place to live anymore unfortunately


Stephen, thanks for sharing your honest experience in UK and I know how you feel. In most countries there are many rules, regulations and restrictions too. So if one is unhappy in their own country, they will normally find a 3rd world country where there are no laws & regulation and would probably live in the suburbs or countryside. Stephen, since you have no purpose and found life meaningless to live in UK, it was a great move to live in the Philippines. Sometimes people leave their country for many reasons.. it could be about broken marriages or circumstances that hurt their feelings. I know how it feels as you just want to pack and leave forever and find new and greener pastures. I would definitely say that made the right move and choice of country. After going through so much in life, you just wanted your space where you could live a simple and peaceful life. By just looking at nature, seeing the sun rising and setting, birds chirping, chickens croaking and walking through the padi fields will give you a sense of peace and satisfaction. Stephen I could see that you have eventually found who you are and is experiencing the inner peace within yourself. I’m so happy for you found a purpose to live right again. My love to you and your family.🇸🇬🌺🥰🌸🌹🌈
Greetings from Singapore 🇸🇬


We took my dad out to the Philippines in 2015 and he stayed there nearly 6 years until they refused to extend his visa during covid and he came back to stay with us in the UK. Unfortunately he never managed to get back out there as he died this year at 75 same as your dad.
So now this year we're heading back over there again this time on a one way ticket with his ashes. The UK is dying a slow horrible death 😟


Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs in England and a large part of Europe. Take care. 👍❤️✌️
