DRO BASICS? & Lathe Tool Offsets!! (SINO DRO)

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This is what happens when I try to make a DRO install video... no install footage! Instead, in trying to figure out the SINO SDS6's lathe offset, we get into DRO basics. Absolute, Incremental, Sub Datums, Tool Offsets, all that good stuff.

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Are you a machinist?
Do you work in a machine shop?
Have you ever even used a lathe or mill?
Have you done any metal work, in ANY capacity, aside from a bit of welding way back in highschool?
And yet you watch every video this guy releases?


@22:00 you pulled the X back on habit, thats why your DRO was reading .040 out ;) you did everything correctly, just forgot not to pull back. it happens to the best of us, obviously, as it happened to you haha! cheers Tony!


I'm starting to think it's really Meatball who does all of the work and you just explain it on camera and take all of the glory...


The nature scene with the natural river of flood coolant, priceless.


Remember to take cut, mic it, check to see if dro corresponds, and then repeat for 20 years because of the one time it screwed you when you didn't.


I have very little need for this stuff, I work wood, and to tell the truth would be better off doing something else with my yet I still sit here for 26 minutes listening to stuff I will most likely never need to go figure/well done/keep em coming?


It's cool going from zero knowledge of machining to feeling like I have more background info on the topic with each video you post (except proper form on the one inch punch. ;)) I am genuinely thankful for the time you put into visual aids and explanations, you made machining a more enjoyable and less intimidating trade for me to step into.


Take the blue cap off the back of your dial indicator. There is a flat tip that unscrews... swap that with your indicator tip and voila you have a flat tipped indicator for offsetting your tools @18:25.


If you don't have a DRO on your tool box drawers you're basically a caveman.


I have to watch ALL ToT videos at least twice!
Stellar content!
Anyone involved in ANYTHING on YouTube can learn from this man!
(writing, speaking, filming, editing, comedy, hell....probably even machining.)


I love the Ave Reference in your Dipol Radar Orthogonizer


My cat isn’t very helpful with insert tooling either.


An augmentation of the tool offset library that I've implemented with my DRO (TouchDRO from Yuriy's Toys), is using the tools themselves as touch probes (only works with conductive materials).

Basically, I've got an LED which uses the lathe itself as the path to ground. A power supply sends +5v to the LED, and is grounded to the lathe. The negative side of the LED has a springy wire (think phone cord) with a big alligator clip on the end. I then set about electrically insulated the tools themselves from their respective holders using thick paper.

Now I can set a tool holder on the tool post, and clip on to the shank of the tool. When the tool touches the work, the LED lights up. It's been super handy in setting up workspaces, tool offsets, etc. It's also nice to be able to accurately pick up a surface without marring the part.


Also, make sure that the on-board battery, (example: CR-2032) is fresh, to give you the maximum years of memory in the DRO.... As my unit never shipped with a flat cell battery and before getting educated upon the depths of the DRO, I would simply turn the unit on, and do my thing, and when done, turn it off.... But, one day, I thought I would be clever, "as odd as that my sound, coming from me" and give addresses to all my lathe tools, and build a directory spread sheet, for quick reference, and stamp in a No. XXX into each tool holder... And spent about 8 hours in the learning curve, to do all this... Everything worked out great! and I shut my shop down for the night... And while in bed, thinking of a reason to make something I might need, so I can play the following day with my new found cleverness... I fired up the shop the following morning, got the supplies spread all over the work bench to things look important... And powered on the lathe, and in turn, the DRO, and it turned on as usual. I got out my freshly printed out laminated spear sheets, that I had on a key ring punch though hole, so that would look like I was a professional... "Ah, I need tool No.37, grabbed that from the toolbox drawer, plop it in the QCTP.... got to call up the tool in the address menue.... I scanned for a couple others addressed tools, nothing as well... so I re-entered a tool for the giggles of this all... Seemed fine, added another addressed tool, and could scroll between those two... Longest boring story cut short, turned the unit off, and into gone... Carter around with that for hours... Luckily, I speak 4 different oriental language's, in addition to my native english, and called the manufacture... Tools them what issues I was having... With in 5 seconds of me telling them a 75 minute long novel of my issues, including the DRO issue, they mentioned that the sticker on the front stated I needed to install a flat cell battery.. They sicker was in Chinese, I said I speak Chinese, I don't read Chinese.... Their stickers now have multiple languages stating that a battery needs installed. I asked why no battery was installed and shipped in the units... Something to do with the lower shipping costs, if the unit doesn't contain lithium as a hazardous material and shelf life of the battery if sitting on a sales shelf of warehouse shelf???? Okay... there is my novel for the month, see you all next month.... Lol


dude the cutting fluid clips with those rainforest sounds in the back were simply genius. well done.


The nature and water sounds had me dying! I love the sense of humor this channel has


SINO should hook you up with some absolute DRO scales for making this sweet vid... or at least a high-five. Whichever is easier.


Loved the thunderstorm, running water and birds in the background when you are flood cooling. And the last drop was priceless!


So desperate for a TOT video I started binge watching his old videos I had already watched


It looks like that .040 error came in when you made the skim cut at 22:00. You instinctively pulled the tool back before moving the carriage down the Z axis (to avoid dragging the tool), then told the DRO that the lathe was at X=1.882 still -- but you had already pulled it back to avoid dragging the tool.
