Some things you Never want to FIND!!

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Some people say that you better pray you never see these things. I know some people that hunted them and found them and changed their whole lives. Here is just one of the accounts i want to share in the link below. It changed his life for ever at granny's as it did many other people. the Link to one is below.
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I want to apologize for the back ground noise in the linked video. It was one of my first and didn't know it would be this popular ...


That man at your grandmother's house mentioned the smile that creature had also! That to me would be the scariest part! Thank you for this video! Patricia Gambino Harrington


Thank you for sharing these experiences. Everyone needs to hear what is out there.
God Bless


Please Don't let this creatures keep you from doing what you LOVE. Always Carry and keep God Close 🙏


I have never wanted anything to do with any woods. I have always been scared of the woods, hanging out in the woods it does not seem smart to me. Camping makes no sense to me (unless one is homeless). Why would anyone want to leave the safety of your home and sleep in the woods with God knows what’s out there? I know that’s a strange way of looking at it but I felt that way all my life. Unless, I lose something in there no use for me to enter, …..🙂


If you have never seen these creatures, you need to consider yourself lucky and hope your luck holds out. When I first seen one and I have talked about this incident here before, but it changed my life. Terrified the heck out of me. There are actually three phases you can go into not two. There is of course fight stand your ground and fight, flight turn and run away, then there is the one I experienced, freeze unable to move or speak. Had that thing wanted me it could have gotten me if it wanted to swim across the river. I would have just stood there unable to move from fear. Luckly for me it didn't. It did not have an effect on me being outdoors, while I never really knew what it really was for a long time. Instead of being afraid of going into the woods, I went well armed always for any reason. So, I guess it has had some effect on me. Because I won't go into the woods anywhere unless I am well armed. But I still fish and while I am not actively hunting these creatures anymore because of my location, I still will go into the woods, although I can't have a gun here, I carry instead a very large knife. Just in case so if it comes to it, I can take a piece of it with me as it is killing me. But even that I have been cutting down on as more and more events are starting to happen here in the UK as well. Seems like it may be spreading from the Eastern side of the UK west. Just seen a special alert that came out in a paper I was reading online that an elderly woman was attacked in her own home by what they are calling a pack of dogs on the edge of Liverpool. The gal did not own any dogs and what was found of her body was inside her house. Apparently, dogs opened her door and came in and attacked her, tearing her apart and then left. This was in the news yesterday. They are being very hush hush about this which is a clue in itself aside from the words dog attack. Be careful you all. Keep your eyes and ears open always. Be safe when out there Mike.


Thank you so much Mike for all the important information you bring to us to learn the truth about what’s going on all around us.


Clearing there’s often a clearing …….. if I did ever go in the woods I would stay away from damn clearings…..


I enjoy your ramblings. The things you never want to see will change you forever. It is like reading a book kept away for the fear of you knowing the unknown. Take Care and Stay Safe. (This may be a bad winter for all.)


This is one of your videos I really found informational and terrifying. Those witness accounts were 100% believable and scary as hell, literally !!!


Good Morning Everyone
God Bless All 🙏


Good morning from Alabama.. Some weird crap going on in the woods! Keep spreading the information...


These creatures could be responsible for some of the "Missing 411" cases, as they seem to be perfectly capable of carrying a human.


Thank you for bringing this to all of our attention, your hard work is forever informative, I leave a porch light on and the back deck light on once we hit dusk, and we for certain appreciate of officer's around here, but they are after the fact and for that reason we have protection stay safe Mike family and everyone else, godspeed


High on my list as a favorite show. Love it and your presentation,


Thank you brother for the all the points you share in your videos,
God bless 👍


Hey Mike,
Good video!! I am down in Alabama and i went to the 60 acres that i hunt in Lincoln county Tennessee yesterday. I walked the entire perimeter. Very dense woods and steep hills. I never got any sort of weird feelings at the place but i did stop and say, out loud, i plead the blood of Jesus over this place and my daughter who will live here with her family. If you are here, go away! If you come through, don’t stop. This place is not yours, it’s mine!!
It was a tough hike for this ole man but it is a very good place to hunt deer and turkey.
I went very well armed and my son in law went with me. He also carried his weapon.


Thanks for the video, and some great advice for people who live the the country side. 👍😊


Hi Mike sounds like a lot of truth being shared and terrifying! Creepy smile just makes my blood run cold!! Thanks! Keep it going!


I wonder if it’s because it’s cooler now and then the hunter’s are out in the woods. Please be safe to and looking forward to more like this video.
