Andromeda's Edge - 10 strategy tips & tricks

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10 strategy tips & tricks for Cardboard Alchemy’s new board game, Andromeda’s Edge — a worker placement, tableau building, area control game. In a highly interactive playing field, will you focus on battle supremacy, wealth, science innovation, or building a fleet that exercises your faction strengths? The possibilities are many and you have to be ready to pivot if you are directly competing with other players or things are just not going your way, so hopefully a few of these tips will help you on that journey! ***See corrections/clarifications to the video below***

#andromedasedge #cardboardalchemy #boardgames #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming

(1) 01:36 -- I note that developments provide an additional battle die for adjacent regions. They also provide an additional die in the region with the development.
(2) 05:37 -- I make it sound like you can repair a ship damaged in the current battle, but you can only repair ships that were already in the scrapyard as part of Tactical Operations to fuel your loss engine. Ships in the current battle are damaged after that step!
(3) 15:11 -- The video should have a ship in an adjacent region to make clear the 2nd transport placement is valid (as normally a transport can only initially place in an empty region). Otherwise, you would need a tactics or ship upgrade to place a transport with raiders. Fighters and other upgraded ships with "Attack" could place there, though, without an adjacent ship.

00:00 Intro to tips & tricks
01:10 #1 Don’t let them develop (especially early!)
02:24 #2 Develop early
03:04 #3 Don’t sleep on the tactics cards
04:58 #4 Create a good loss engine (aka losing battles doesn’t have to suck!)
08:01 #5 Targeting is powerful (probably more powerful than you think)
09:26 #6 Play to your faction strengths (but don’t be inflexible)
11:42 #7 Don’t obsess (too much) with the industry track (aka ship envy could hurt you)
13:53 #8 Module sneak attack!!!
15:32 #9 Have a station module engine plan (aka shop smartly)
18:35 #10 Don’t forget vault scoring (as an option)
19:25 Conclusion

Thanks to music by Alex-Productions --

Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
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Hey all and thanks for watching!! A few corrections/clarifications (which are in the Klingon subtitles as well, so turn those on!):

(1) 01:36 -- I note that developments provide an additional battle die for adjacent regions. They ALSO provide an additional die in the region with the development.

(2) 5:37 -- re: repair moons slotted in Tactical Operations -- The way I say it, it sounds like you can repair a ship damaged in the current battle. But Tactical Operations occur before damage from the battle is applied, so you could only repair at that step: (1) a ship in the scrapyard already; or (2) the damaged shield of a ship in the current battle before damage is applied. Those can be the fruits of your loss engine!

(3) 15:11 -- re: Tip #8 Module Sneak Attack! -- The video accompanying this part should have had a ship in the region adjacent to the placement region (Maximus Field) because for the second placement there with the raiders, as I state, if it's not your first placement you can place in a region with opposing ships. However, the video should have a ship in an adjacent region to make clear the 2nd transport placement is valid (as normally a transport can only initially place in an empty region). Otherwise, you would need a tactics or ship upgrade to place a transport with raiders. Fighters and other upgraded ships with "Attack" could place there, though, without an adjacent ship.

Thanks to those who helped identify these! 👏🏻


"People are like wait a minute what just happened" tip 8 you cheated 😂 I am sorry. Mark is right! You can still do this if you have a fighter or other ships nearby with enough range! Or with tactics or abilities!

Tip number 2 develop early. It can backfire pretty quick. In a large group where there is a lot of fighting sure, in smaller groups people can avoid fights and you have spend recourses and turns on building and have a ship less to return to Station for your engine. So getting more recourses can become difficult.

Love your enthusiasm and your video!


If you lose the damage ships step is before the tactical ops, so can you actually repair a ship you just lost with a repair moon in the slot?


For a Newb this is basically useless..and annoying...
