Trump’s Secret Service On HIGH Alert After What’s Headed To The White House Right Now

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Trump’s Secret Service On HIGH Alert After What’s Headed To The White House Right Now
The left has been foaming at the mouth ever since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. These anti-American traitors were convinced that Hillary Clinton would win and continue Barack Obama’s destructive policies of dismantling America. However, those plans were thwarted when the American people banded together and sent a resounding no to these politicians by voting for Trump. Every step that Trump has taken he has faced ridicule, lies, and hate from the “tolerant” left. These lies have ranged from Trump colluding with Russia to win the election to him being a racist bigot. Now, with tensions mounting after hate groups clashed in Charlottesville, Virginia a couple weeks ago Trump’s secret service is on high alert after seeing what is headed to the White House.

The country has is more divided than ever as leftist hate groups continue to cause violence across the country. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have united together in order to cause as much havoc as they can with the blessing of the liberal media. These hate groups are not interested in compromise or understanding but are only concerned with destroying the country we all love.

All of that hate came to head in Charlottesville, Virginia when white supremacists and members of Antifa clashed that ended up leaving one dead. Instead of this being a wake-up call to all involved it all empowered the violent left to spill more blood in the name of justice. Now, these so-called activists are planning a “peaceful” 10-day March starting from Charlottesville, Virginia to Washington, D.C. to fight perceived white supremacy and demand that President Trump is removed from office.

Here is more The Hill:

Activists are set to start a 10-day march from Charlottesville, Va., to Washington, D.C., on Monday to confront white supremacy and demand President Trump’s removal from office.

“The March to Confront White Supremacy,” is set to start in Charlottesville Monday, Aug. 28 and end in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Sept. 6. Organizers say the march will be followed by an occupation of Washington with daily nonviolent demonstrations.
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