Make your own Arch Linux Spin part 3 of 5

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In my first try I included NetworManager service and I could not build the ISO. In the second, I removed that service and I was succeded. Thank you so much, Midfingr!


So very handy. Excellent series. Glad you chose Cinnamon because I really enjoy modding that DE


For others watching this, a handy way to get a list of packages installed on your system for use in your ISO (packages.both) you can run pacman -Qen > official.txt and/or pacman -Qem > unofficial.txt to get list of official and AUR packages, respectively. You can find the text file(s) in your home folder. Dan, I am thoroughly enjoying this series! Thank you!


juste settled my i3 :) it rocks! thumbs up ans high five for midfingr ;)


What is the xfce equivalent of the dump.dconf?


Dan, here is what I was talking about earlier with more details. I've got a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet that I want to run Arch on, but there's a couple hiccups in getting it to work. The kernel needs to have a patch compiled with the SDIO wireless driver. Apparently Bay Trail CPUs do not yet have support in the mainline kernel (maybe someone created a package in the AUR?) and the second issue is that even though it's 64-bit, it needs a 32-bit boot loader for the UEFI. I have never installed anything on devices other than those with BIOS, but it sounds like one has to take a 32-bit linux distro and copy some of the boot folders into the ISO image boot image of a 64-bit distro. I have heard of a distro call Fedlet which is a) semi dormant and b) based on Fedora (ugh, do I really have to learn RPM and all that to use this tablet with Linux?) which seems to be experimental at best.


becouse of this series i installed arch and its awesome!
i had elementary os before and it sucked very bad
