Best Time for a New Leader: Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) Auspicious Timing (Muhurta)

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This video discusses the concept of muhurta (aka electional astrology) in relationship to choosing the best day to begin new leadership (traditionally a coronation or oath ceremony) as per classic astrology texts (shastra) from a Vedic astrology (Jyotish) perspective. Detailed information regarding the elements of choice are given: nakshatras (lunar mansions), vaar (day), yogas (combinations), tithi (moon phase), karana (half moon phase), amsas (subdivisional charts D9, D10, D11), and ashtarkavarga. As a detailed study example, comparisons for the US Presidental Inauguration/Oath of Office taken at noon eastern standard time/ New York time on 20 January 2025 and 20 January 2017 are analyzed. Analysis also includes natal birth chart horoscope and transits for the United States and Donald Trump for both presidential terms.
#muhurta #besttiming #uspresident #leadership #leader #oathceremony #inauguration #coronation #king #queen #president #primeminister
If you would like to view more content like this, please see my "muhurta/auspicious timing", "shastra/classical texts", and "nakshatras/lunar mansions" playlist.
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Related videos:
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Sun Changing Signs (Samkranti) in Muhurta (Vedic Astrology Auspicious Timing):
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Please note, the information presented here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered any kind of personal, medical, financial, career or life advice. If you are in need, please contact an appropriate professional for support.
#muhurta #besttiming #uspresident #leadership #leader #oathceremony #inauguration #coronation #king #queen #president #primeminister
If you would like to view more content like this, please see my "muhurta/auspicious timing", "shastra/classical texts", and "nakshatras/lunar mansions" playlist.
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You can also visit my other YouTube channel, "Nature Source Care" where I offer videos on natural medicine including Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy and Naturopathic Medicine:
Related videos:
Different Types of Karma and Vedic Astrology (Jyotish):
Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) in Vedic Astrology (Jyotish):
Venus & Jupiter Combustion in Muhurta (Vedic Astrology Auspicious Timing):
Sun Changing Signs (Samkranti) in Muhurta (Vedic Astrology Auspicious Timing):
Vedic Astrology (Jyotish): Auspicious Timing of Eclipses (Grahan Muhurta):
Best Time To Wear New Clothes: Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) Auspicious Timing (Muhurta):
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Please note, the information presented here is for educational purposes only and should not be considered any kind of personal, medical, financial, career or life advice. If you are in need, please contact an appropriate professional for support.