Breaking BLACK PEOPLE, BRYAN CRANSTON says MAGA slogan could be viewed as RACIST

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In the latest episode of the Biblical Conservative Channel, we discuss Bryan Cranston saying that the Make America Great Again slogan can be viewed as racist.

In another example of a white liberal being condescending to black people, Bryan Cranston says that the Make America Great Again slogan can be viewed as racist to black people because he asks when was it great for black people in America.

This is demeaning and patronizing. When black people were owning businesses, creating inventions, building families, establishing vibrant communities, things weren’t perfect, but they were great.

It was when white liberal politicians and the black bourgeoisie, decided that government was better suited to run our families, that’s when we began to see the destruction and disintegration of the black community.
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He did not tell black people what to feel or think. He said (clearly addressing white people) that you should question how the phrase could land before automatically dismissing the suggestion that it could come across as racist. I think he spoke well.


The key word in the slogan "Make America Great Again", is the word "again". The word "Again" suggest 2 things: One, that its not great now, and 2 that it was better at some point in the past.

So you're left with only 3 questions -
Is it great now?

If not now, at what point was is it great enough that you want to return to that time?

Do you trust DT or the the majority of the people who echo that slogan to make America "great?


If you don't understand what he is saying, then you are deliberately ignoring history.


and the crazy part is Bryan Cranston for all his well meaningness sometimes gets this stuff wrong and ends up saying the wrong thing. But here. He was pretty on point.There's literally no argument you can make for why Cranston is wrong and TBC doesn't even try they just insist that Cranston is putting words in our mouth as black people when that's clearly not what he said.


Why the hell would youtube promote some <2k andy bigot?


for how long did this black utopia exist? From what year to what year?


Lol, I almost didn’t comment solely because it’ll help your algorithm. “Donald Trump not racist”??? Let’s see….

Housing discrimination proven in court. He’s fought FOR segregation in housing. Central Park 5 ring a bell? And removed a black accountant.


No he just asked a question - could it possibly be construed? white people need to talk to other white people about racism. People need to be able to express themselves, own their opinions and be heard. Were you expressing how you see things, opening my mind to new possibilities or just telling me facts and truth about this particular man’s intention? You gave him a label! He could be politically progressive and not just culturally liberal. Actually, mayb you do know - I don’t have clue who he is. No room for discourse when men, black and white, speak to from knowing how right they are. 😂
