Physicist Carlo Rovelli: 'Time does not exist'

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"Time does not exist". That's just one of the theories of the theoretical physicist and writer Carlo Rovelli. He's been listed as one of the 100 most influential global thinkers. His popular science book "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics" has been translated into 41 languages and has sold over a million copies worldwide. In his latest book, "The Order of Time", he tackles the origins of time itself. He joined us for Perspective to tell us more.
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"Time does not exist". That's just one of the theories of the theoretical physicist and writer Carlo Rovelli. He's been listed as one of the 100 most influential global thinkers. His popular science book "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics" has been translated into 41 languages and has sold over a million copies worldwide. In his latest book, "The Order of Time", he tackles the origins of time itself. He joined us for Perspective to tell us more.
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The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli
Physicist Carlo Rovelli: 'Time does not exist'
The Science of Time - Carlo Rovelli
About Time: The Physics of Time – with Carlo Rovelli
Q&A The Physics and Philosophy of Time - with Carlo Rovelli
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Time does not exist: Carlo Rovelli at TEDxLakeComo
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