Carlo Rovelli and Brian Greene on Black Holes and White Holes

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Progress in the last decade has established that black holes are real, but what about their time-reversed cousins, white holes? Renowned physicist and author Carlo Rovelli joins Brian Greene to explore insights into these speculative astrophysical chimera.

This program is included in a 3-part series that explores the wondrous implications of gravity pushed to the extreme, tackling dark energy, black holes and white holes. Renowned researchers join Brian Greene to discuss a range of insights–from confirmed to highly speculative–that extend Einstein’s vision of reality and advance our understanding of fundamental physical laws.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Carlo Rovelli

Brian Greene

00:00 - What is a White Hole?
02:00 - Carlo Rovelli's introduction
02:56 - Time reversal invariant and white holes
05:03 - 1930's NY times headline "New Radio Waves Traced To Center of the Milky Way"
08:02 - Robert Oppenheimer and white holes
16:02 - The scales of the universe
23:00 - That sounds like dark matter
25:20 - The best way to view a black hole
27:34 - Is it more meta physics than physics?
29:47 - White Holes as Dark Matter

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Carlo always wears that type of shoes because that way he doesn't have to waste time with STRINGS! 😂


I just watched Carlo Rovelli's Royal Institute talk on white holes yesterday and had wondered if he'd be a guest any time soon at World Science Festival. What a pleasant surprise to see this pop up one day later!


And what a sweet warm talk it was, love the tiny skirmishing by Carlo attempting to taunt Brian on string😂!
How well it ended on the role of mathematics and philosophy in physics. That could also be a next topic of WSF! Thank you


Mathematics is both the queen and hand maiden of all sciences


As an Italian, I'm proud every time I see Rovelli, apart from when I see his shoes...


Of all the 3 episodes, this is the most speculative.


Dr. Greene the formats of the three videos released on or about 3/9/24 were over far too soon. Hope WSF returns to its longer format and discussions. Thank you for the exceptionally expert guests you invite and the brilliant discussions. What a generous, priceless gift! Look forward to future (hopefully longer, please) episodes and to see the WSF live. May you and all “…live long and prosper…” Prof Greene. ✨


Brian, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your tireless efforts in sharing the beauty and complexity of physics with the world. Your dedication to advancing scientific literacy and fostering a deeper understanding of the cosmos is truly commendable. Thank you Brian!


i didnt understand a thing, watched it anyway


The intro opening was a nice homage/call back to Brian Greenes Fabric of the cosmos :)


Black holes and white holes are fascinating concepts in theoretical physics that challenge our understanding of the universe. Black holes, regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, are well-studied and observed through their effects on surrounding matter and light. In contrast, white holes: hypothetical counterparts that expel matter and light rather than absorbing them remain speculative and have not been observed. Exploring the relationship between black holes and white holes could provide insights into fundamental questions about the nature of space, time, and the possible connections between these extreme cosmic phenomena.


Carlo kicked Brian's "stringy" butt... IMHO...


There’s only one white hole per universe. Our ‘white hole’ is the ‘Big Bang’. That makes the most sense. Black holes transitioning to ‘white holes’ via an ‘Einstein-Rosen bridge’ are portals to other universes within the multitude of universes that are the greater multiverse. The multiverse is a self-creating entity that constantly loops back on itself as the ultimate closed-loop system.


[Astronomical Units / Planet Order] Vs. [Sun's Gravity Well Acceleration Due To Gravity ("μ" Means "Micro")]
Sun's Surface 275, 383, 142 μm / s²
Mercury 39792 μm / s²
Venus 11393 μm / s²
Earth (1) 5961 μm / s²
Mars 2568 μm / s²
μm / s²
Ceres 780 μm / s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
Jupiter 220 μm / s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
Saturn 65 μm / s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²
Uranus 16 μm / s²
/ s²
/ s²
/ s²


Lmao i just realized i have never once seen Carlo in anything but those same sandals. Its a good sign, every great scientist have some weird thing like that i have found. Like Einstein with his 7 identical suits.


So. Human mathematical constructs? Yes? No? The universe is a big place. WSF is a great resource for ponderers.


Black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2 =(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5 oscillate with white hole at proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2 generate strong force which can transfer into EM force between proton[pm], electron[me] in Atom[A] which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field turn into quantum gravity at Atom scale by produce photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e, deduce : anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2, - : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23 from : weak force unite strong force g(p) with EM force k*e^2, deduce 80.42929 Gev[80.4335+, -0.0094] : W boson from theoretical prediction, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], /A] decay from strong force by where meter oscillation of string at Atom scale cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can see it as a consequence from white hole pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2 produce proton pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg, and positive charge for proton e=1.602176634*10^-19=16*g*pm*c^2, c=299792458, g=6.661181*10^-11 : gravitational constant due to red shift effect from g=6.674103388*10^-11 at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=1.616231*10^-35 meter, kg, deduce : anomalous muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor for QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field, m/pm=1.3*10^19 is it's mass gap, pm/me =1836.1527 is mass gap for QED of Yang-Mills gauge field, deduce


10:45 What if GR is correct all the way, except we need to take the time stopping seriously? We would get the correct answer by making a simulation with time and spatial steps. We would prevent the singularity because it would take eternity to form.


It does not make mathematical sense to have "white holes" in one localized area: rather, the matter would be scattered equally everywhere on the observable universe's surface area: density would be higher the closer it is to the black hole, and taper off d pi^4h. In the observable universe, density would appear the same due to the negative pressure around the dispersal point.


Awesome I love these shows where I can go in thinking one thing and come out with my mind changed
